MTurk Data doesnt show up in Data

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After running an online study, we feel like some data got lost along the way to the inquisit repository. People show sufficient running times on CloudResearch but dont even have a started file in the data on millisecond. Are there any thoughts/tips/solutions on this?
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LeoVienna - 10/6/2022
After running an online study, we feel like some data got lost along the way to the inquisit repository. People show sufficient running times on CloudResearch but dont even have a started file in the data on millisecond. Are there any thoughts/tips/solutions on this?

You'll need to be more specifc than that. What's the study (provide the link)? What data do you believe to be missing (provide the relavant participant IDs)? What do you refer to as "started file in the data"? What makes you believe those participants actually ran through the Inquisit task(s) apart from a running time on CloudResearch? What do you consider to be such a sufficient running time?
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Individuals showed running times of around 45 minutes, which fits very well. And some just dont seem like putting up a show in the mails we receive. 
Yet, their worker ID does not show up in the raw or summary data.
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LeoVienna - 10/6/2022

Individuals showed running times of around 45 minutes, which fits very well. And some just dont seem like putting up a show in the mails we receive. 
Yet, their worker ID does not show up in the raw or summary data.

As a first step, you'll want to check whether there's any trace of said worker IDs in the experiment's logs:

If a log entry has no time stamp for the license query event, then the given participant never actually launched the experiment.

If there's a license query time stamp, but no time stamps for data upload and/or finish page invocation, that's usually an indicator of connectivity problems on the client-side (e.g. internet went down while they were working through the experiment) or of the participant killing the application. If any data files exist, those would still reside on the participant's device. They can upload them by opening the Inquisit player app on their device and going to the "Data" tab.
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Thank you very much, that was incredibly helpful! We are still suprised, that this affected so many people (30/180). But its great to know there is a way to look deeper into the process. Have a nice weekend

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