Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2,
Visits: 16
Hi, I've been trying to upload some scripts into a main.iqx, and I've successfully done so using <batch>, but it's not playing one of my iqx's, and I'm not sure why. My layout is: <batch> / file = "welcomescreen/welcomescreenweek1.iqx" / file = "weeklysurvey.iqx" / file = "salivary-sample/ss.iqx" / file = "videoquiz/videoquiz.iqx" / file = "mentalrotation/mentalrotation.iqx" / file = "sp/sp.iqx" / file = "thankyouweek1.iqx" </batch> It is automatically skipping through the first file, with an error saying it is unable to load, though it is in the folder and is named correctly.