measure time between stimulus onset and feedback presentation

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elliesassak - 10/30/2022

I have a modified version of the Anagram Tasks script.. In anagramRT, what is being recorded is the time it takes for the subject to type in their final solution. The time from the beginning of the onset of the stimulus (anagram presented) to the end (feedback presented) is not being measured. Latency comes up as 0 unless I do ctrl+Q. In the original script, this is the case as well. How do I get this time to be measured for each individual anagram? I'm trying to see whether positive feedback impacts the time spent on an anagram, so this is the number that is most important. Also, a mean time spent on the 10 anagrams would be helpful if that is possible. 

Dave helped me with this same script before, and he was very helpful. I don't have any experience with coding so I appreciate the help. Thank you!

> In anagramRT, what is being recorded is the time it takes for the subject to type in their final solution.

anagramRT is the entire time spent on the given anagram, across all solution attempts, so it essentially is  "time from the beginning of the onset of the stimulus (anagram presented) to the end."

Edited 3 Years Ago by Dave
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Posts: 8, Visits: 31

I have a modified version of the Anagram Tasks script.. In anagramRT, what is being recorded is the time it takes for the subject to type in their final solution. The time from the beginning of the onset of the stimulus (anagram presented) to the end (feedback presented) is not being measured. Latency comes up as 0 unless I do ctrl+Q. In the original script, this is the case as well. How do I get this time to be measured for each individual anagram? I'm trying to see whether positive feedback impacts the time spent on an anagram, so this is the number that is most important. Also, a mean time spent on the 10 anagrams would be helpful if that is possible. 

Dave helped me with this same script before, and he was very helpful. I don't have any experience with coding so I appreciate the help. Thank you!

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