creating sounds during iteration based trials

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Hi all, my current script involves a looping trial with events (pictures and sounds) happening while the trial loops round and round. Does anyone know how to conditionally trigger sounds during a looping trial? I cant just place them on the stimulustimes line as they will play all of the time. I have tried a few solutions but nothing works. 
Does any one have any thoughts please??  
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peter - 11/5/2022
Hi all, my current script involves a looping trial with events (pictures and sounds) happening while the trial loops round and round. Does anyone know how to conditionally trigger sounds during a looping trial? I cant just place them on the stimulustimes line as they will play all of the time. I have tried a few solutions but nothing works. 
Does any one have any thoughts please??  

Please provide a working (!) example of your "looping trial with events" and explain what you want to insert when under what condition. Your description is far too vague to understand what you're doing and what you want to do.
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Dave - 11/7/2022
peter - 11/5/2022
Hi all, my current script involves a looping trial with events (pictures and sounds) happening while the trial loops round and round. Does anyone know how to conditionally trigger sounds during a looping trial? I cant just place them on the stimulustimes line as they will play all of the time. I have tried a few solutions but nothing works. 
Does any one have any thoughts please??  

Please provide a working (!) example of your "looping trial with events" and explain what you want to insert when under what condition. Your description is far too vague to understand what you're doing and what you want to do.

Ok that i can do. I will direct message you with the script.

What I need please is for the sound of a bang (bang sound.mp3) to play when the Mandalorian's ship crashes into an x wing (I hope you are a fellow nerd enough to understand that description) the conditional statement is noted in the script with "//DAVE 'BANG SOUND' NEEDS TO BE PLAYED HERE PLEASE"

Thanks for your help
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peter - 11/8/2022
Dave - 11/7/2022
peter - 11/5/2022
Hi all, my current script involves a looping trial with events (pictures and sounds) happening while the trial loops round and round. Does anyone know how to conditionally trigger sounds during a looping trial? I cant just place them on the stimulustimes line as they will play all of the time. I have tried a few solutions but nothing works. 
Does any one have any thoughts please??  

Please provide a working (!) example of your "looping trial with events" and explain what you want to insert when under what condition. Your description is far too vague to understand what you're doing and what you want to do.

Ok that i can do. I will direct message you with the script.

What I need please is for the sound of a bang (bang sound.mp3) to play when the Mandalorian's ship crashes into an x wing (I hope you are a fellow nerd enough to understand that description) the conditional statement is noted in the script with "//DAVE 'BANG SOUND' NEEDS TO BE PLAYED HERE PLEASE"

Thanks for your help

Having taken a thorough look at the script you messaged me separately now, I have to unfortunately conclude that playiing a sound along with the explosion is not possible in the case at hand. It's not a problem to dynamically insert the sound into the trial (per insertstimulustime()) when an explosion occurs; the problem is that you will effectively never hear the sound regardless, because the given instance of the trial will already be over (and thereby terminate the playback) before you hear anything. Forcing the sound to play back fully before the given instance of the trial terminates per /playthrough = true isn't viable either, because that would stall the rest of the procedure (i.e. you wouldn't be able to move the space ship around while the explosion sound plays).
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Posts: 64, Visits: 210
Yes unfortunately that was my conclusion. I even tried having the sound always playing but changing the sound volume from 0 to 100 during a collision but that also did not work. Even wondered if I could activate a parallel port tiger conditionally and use a second pc to make the sounds.  No luck though sadly as it may be run online. 

Well thanks for your help anyway. It is appreciated.

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