Hi all,
we're currently trying to run a battery of tests (written as a simple Inquisit batch collecting multiple script files) on tablets in offline mode (link:
https://mili2nd.eu/vgbc) and running into some issues on Android, specifically on Samsung SM-T590 running Android 10 (Build QP1A.190711.020.T590XXU3CVG5) with Inquisit 6.6.1.
When I run the study on the tablet using the link in online mode, the study runs normally. I then set offline availability in the Tests tab and wait until the checkmark appears. Next, I disconnect from the WLAN and start the test. However, after completing the first script file called by the batch, Inquisit quits ("...encountered an error"). The Logs in the app show the following (omitting the first few columns):
InquisitPlayer DataUploads Not Started Network Unreachable
InquisitPlayer Finished Test Failed Script='WLLP_Norming_Test' Account=4351 ScriptPath=https://scripts.millisecond.eu/[REDACTED]/wllp_norming_test/batch_alleaufgaben.iqx HomeServer=eu.mili2nd.net DataUrl='' [... several expected parameters, such as session id and monkey status]
ExecutionError Network Error: 'Host eu.mili2nd.net not found' in bool inquisit::Path::postFileHttp(const QUrl &, QByteArray &, const QString &, cnost QByteArray &, const QSTring &, const QStringList &)
I can try to extract the log as text and upload it, but it's not so simple, so I thought I would post the relevant lines as a start.
Thanks for any help!