How to wrap text in a textbox element?

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Posts: 3, Visits: 4
I have a textbox element in which participants type a story. When they write more than 1 line of text the text moves outside the textbox element. So participants have to intentionally hit the ENTER button to go to the next line. Is there a way to wrap the text, so that while typing the cursor automatically goes to the second line when the first line is full? 

<textbox memory_content>
/caption = "Write your story"
/required = true
/ textboxsize = (200, 50)
/ multiline = true

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I have a textbox element in which participants type a story. When they write more than 1 line of text the text moves outside the textbox element. So participants have to intentionally hit the ENTER button to go to the next line. Is there a way to wrap the text, so that while typing the cursor automatically goes to the second line when the first line is full? 

<textbox memory_content>
/caption = "Write your story"
/required = true
/ textboxsize = (200, 50)
/ multiline = true

The typed text doesn't move outside the textbox. The problem is that you've define the textbox's size to be 200% of the screen width, i.e. it extends beyong the screen's boundaries. Define a reasonable width, such as, say, 80% of the screen width, and the problem goes away.

<textbox memory_content>
/caption = "Write your story"
/required = true
/ textboxsize = (80%, 50%)
/ multiline = true


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