Data upload for one participant

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 34, Visits: 94
Hi there!

I have a question about some of the data we've received from one of our participants. It seems that we have had data issues for two of this participant's sessions, though it sounds like everything seemed fine on the participant's end.

For the first issue, during session ID 4, the participant doesn't appear to have any data files. It's also odd because I don't see the typical "LicenseQuery" event. Any ideas on what could've happened?

For the second issue, during session ID 6, the participant appears to have two data files saved for the same session. I wondered if this was because I asked the participant to manually go to the data tab and click cloud upload after completing the session (I thought this might help with uploading data for session ID 4), but now I'm not sure what to do with the two files. The two files also appear to be different, so it's not that it just got duplicated - any ideas on which one is the "real" one or how it could've occurred that two files were created?

I'm sure there's important information that I'm leaving out - please let me know if there is anything that would be helpful to include!

As always, I am so incredibly grateful for your help. I really appreciate it - thank you so much!

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hsmartin - 2 Years Ago
Dave - 2 Years Ago
hsmartin - 2 Years Ago
Dave - 2 Years Ago
                     Wonderful! Thank you so much.
hsmartin - 2 Years Ago

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