Portrait vs. landscape orientation on Android tablets

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Posts: 118, Visits: 396
Hi again,

I've run into a new (smaller) issue when running a batch on Android tablets (link: https://mili2nd.eu/6mbc) and running into some issues on Android, specifically on Samsung SM-T590 running Android 10 (Build QP1A.190711.020.T590XXU3CVG5) with Inquisit 6.6.1.

In the batch, there is a demographics survey file which is called first, followed by a test file. The issue is that the demographics survey is presented in portrait orientation (not desired behavior), whereas the test is presented in landscape orientation (as desired). I can't find a setting to affect this and I'm not sure what's causing the different behavior. Would be glad of any input!!

A maybe related aside: this issue does NOT occur on a Lenovo Convertible Notebook in Tablet mode.

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AKrishna - 1/30/2023
Hi again,

I've run into a new (smaller) issue when running a batch on Android tablets (link: https://mili2nd.eu/6mbc) and running into some issues on Android, specifically on Samsung SM-T590 running Android 10 (Build QP1A.190711.020.T590XXU3CVG5) with Inquisit 6.6.1.

In the batch, there is a demographics survey file which is called first, followed by a test file. The issue is that the demographics survey is presented in portrait orientation (not desired behavior), whereas the test is presented in landscape orientation (as desired). I can't find a setting to affect this and I'm not sure what's causing the different behavior. Would be glad of any input!!

A maybe related aside: this issue does NOT occur on a Lenovo Convertible Notebook in Tablet mode.


/ inputdevice = touchscreen
/ canvassize = (100%, 99%)

i.e. set a larger width than height, to force landscape orientation for surveys on Android and iOS. Otherwise surveys will run in portrait orientation by default.

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