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Hello there, I have very limited experience with Inquisit and am looking for advice
The idea here is participants would complete 48 trials per block. They would complete a letter search on each trial where they have to indicate whether the target letter x or n was present by pressing the up and right arrow key. The letter search is varied on load e.g., one block could be high or it could be low load.
In my previous experiment we added a smell into these trials using Inquisit where a smell would be presented for the same time as the letter display, once participants made their response to the letter task I branched to the present or absent trial where they would indicate if the smell was present or absent with the p or a keys.
In the new experiment participants will not know when the smell is going to be presented/unpredictable and the idea would be to have 5 different intensities of the same smell presented for 2 seconds in succession, the onset of the smells would start at the same time as the letter display in a random trial on each block and would carry on into other trials until participant responded or until the 10 seconds were over, so response would be measured from the moment the first smell begins even though this could be several trials later <- this is the bit I need help with!
I guess what I am asking is is it possible on Inquisit to have trials running parallel e.g. the smell trial and the letter task trial. The smell trials would last 10 seconds and whereas the letter task trials would only last 2.6 seconds and I would need to record the response to the presence of the smell and the response to the letter task.
I am sorry if this does not make sense and thanks for any help!!