Nested no replace no repeat

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Essentially, Inquisit won't let me run nested noreplacenorepeat() functions. How do I go about this?

I am trying to run something like this (see below), but the 9-14 blocks do not work.
How do I write this out in a way that would work? 

<expt Experiment>
/ blocks = [
1 = Instructions;
2 = Examples;
3 = Practice_Instructions_Pre;
4-5 = noreplacenorepeat(Headshot1, Headshot2);
6 = Practice_Trials_Instructions;
7 = Practice;
8 = Test_Trial_Instructions;
9-14 = noreplacenorepeat(noreplacenorepeat(Block_1,Block_2,Block_3), noreplacenorepeat(Block_4,Block_5,Block_6));
15 = block.Task_Over]

Thanks in advance!
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wmfang - 3/1/2023
Essentially, Inquisit won't let me run nested noreplacenorepeat() functions. How do I go about this?

I am trying to run something like this (see below), but the 9-14 blocks do not work.
How do I write this out in a way that would work? 

<expt Experiment>
/ blocks = [
1 = Instructions;
2 = Examples;
3 = Practice_Instructions_Pre;
4-5 = noreplacenorepeat(Headshot1, Headshot2);
6 = Practice_Trials_Instructions;
7 = Practice;
8 = Test_Trial_Instructions;
9-14 = noreplacenorepeat(noreplacenorepeat(Block_1,Block_2,Block_3), noreplacenorepeat(Block_4,Block_5,Block_6));
15 = block.Task_Over]

Thanks in advance!

> 9-14 = noreplacenorepeat(noreplacenorepeat(Block_1,Block_2,Block_3), noreplacenorepeat(Block_4,Block_5,Block_6));

Is not valid syntax. It's not obvious what you intend this to do, so you'll have to take the time to explain it before I or anybody else can give you a sensible answer.


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