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Hi, I have a question about my inquisit code.
I set a trial to be something like below.
<trial POSO_posBG_shrt_ITI_1pt6> / validresponse = ("1", "4") / correctresponse = ("4") / stimulustimes = [0 = fixation; 800=noreplace (POSO); 1000 = blanks; 1100 = poso_goodtarget] / trialdata = [POSO poso_goodtarget] / beginresponsetime = 1100 / timeout = 3200 / responseinterrupt=frames / posttrialpause = 1600+(500-trial.POSO_posBG_shrt_ITI_1pt6.latency) </trial>
I wrote the trial in this way with the following goals in mind: (1) Participants can make a response between the time window of 1100 to 3200ms from a trial onset. Their response latency in the trial could range between 0 to 2100ms. (2) Once they make a response within this window, the poso_goodtarget word will disappear (blank screen starts). (3) No matter how fast participants make a response or whether they make a response or not, the overall duration of a trial plus the immediately following posttrial pause will always be a set value of 3200 + 1600 = 4800. - If the participant make a response within 500ms (1600ms post trial onset), they will see the blank screen for a longer time (1600 + 500 - latency). - If the participant make a response between 500 to 2100ms, they will see the blank screen for a longer time.
However, when looking at the saved data file, it doesn't seem like the post-trial pause duration is taking the trial response latency into account.
I attached a simplified version of the experiment and the saved monkey data file. Could you help me understand why the script is not working in the way I intend it to be? Thank you!