Shortening OSpan task duration on Inquisit 6

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I'm currently running the OSpan task on Inquisit 6 for my master's project however it's unnecessarily long and I want to remove some trials. However, I am new to the software and tried altering the script, but it didn't work. I'm very tight on schedule and don't really have time to get acquainted with the program, if someone knows how to do so I would greatly appreciate it! 🙏
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Farrah - 4/16/2023
I'm currently running the OSpan task on Inquisit 6 for my master's project however it's unnecessarily long and I want to remove some trials. However, I am new to the software and tried altering the script, but it didn't work. I'm very tight on schedule and don't really have time to get acquainted with the program, if someone knows how to do so I would greatly appreciate it! 🙏

Lenght of the test phase is determined by this list.

<list TestBothSetSize>
/ items = (3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7)

The above means, there are three sets of lenght 3 (three letters to recall) administered, three sets of lenght 4, three sets of length 5, three sets of length 6, and three sets of length 7.

To shorten the task, remove the amount of sets you don't want to administer. E.g. if you want to only administer two sets of lenghts 3 to 7 each, change the above to

<list TestBothSetSize>
/ items = (3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7)


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