Calibration Eyelink 1000 plus

Noemi Pin
Noemi Pin
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Posts: 1, Visits: 14

I downloaded the Inquisit 6 free-trial to try using it with our eye-tracker (Eyelink 1000 Plus), with the idea of purchasing it if everything worked well, but I’m having some problems.

I’m using one of the available scripts in the Millisecond Library (specifically I’m using the Preferential Looking Task Using Eye Tracking script).
I use one Host PC (connected to the Eyelink) and another PC with two monitors (with the same resolution, 3840x2160, but different sizes, the primary monitor is 60cm x 34cm, and the second bigger monitor is 121cm x 68 cm) connected via ethernet with the Host PC, and I’d like to display the stimuli in the second bigger monitor (I can see them in the bigger monitor when I duplicate the screen via settings).
I duplicate the screen and when I run the script I see a white background and calibration doesn’t start, then if I press “Esc” Instructions appear and then the first two stimuli are displayed. When I look at the display, I can see a sort of path of my eye movements on the display (file attached) and when I look outside the screen (don’t know if this is a simple coincidence) Inquisit crushes and closes. Also, when I use only the primary monitor without extending or duplicating the display Inquisit crushes and calibration doesn't start.

Should the calibration start automatically when running the script or should I give the command through the interface of the Eyelink?
We tried to “force” the calibration to start, using the Eyelink interface, when running the script, and calibration targets appear on the display but they appear almost outside the display as if Inquisit had the wrong information about the display’s size.

My colleagues already used this type of setting (one host pc and the other two monitors) with NBS Presentation and didn’t have problems with the connection with the Eyelink and presentation of the stimuli in the bigger monitor.

I searched for my problem in the Forum and tried the possible solutions suggested by community members, but nothing.
Specifically, I tried:
- adding the /ipaddress attribute in the /eyetracker element inserting the IP address of the Eyelink; again Inquisit crushes without doing the calibration and gives me these two errors: Eyelink Error -1 :” Line 227, File SRResearchEyeTracker.cpp [function ::open_eyelink_connection], Element = eyetracker; Initialization of eye tracker failed, Element = eyetracker.
- adding the /datastreams = (eyetracker) attribute in the /expt element;
- reinstalling the most recent “EyeLink Developers Kit”, as suggested by the SR Research Support Forum.

I provide you also some maybe useful System information from Inquisit:
- When duplicating the screen:
Version: 6.6.1 64bit (build 6581)
Build Date: Jul 6 2022
Build Time: 12:56:40
Expiration Date: ven giu 16 2023
Registration Key:
Platform: Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64
CPU Speed: 3192
Memory: 14182 KB available of 16314 KB total
Timer resolution: 0.0001000000000000000 milliseconds
IP address:
MAC address: 18:31:BF:28:FB:CE
Graphics Engine: QtOpenGL
Videosync support: DXGIWaitForVBlankMode
Dispay 1: \\. \DISPLAY1
Pixel Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Resolution: 3840 x 2160 scale: 1
Physical Size: 600.0mm x 340.0mm (689.64mm = 27.15in diagonal)
PPI: 162 x 161 (161.5 diagonal)
Refresh rate: 60 Hz
Tablet Mode: Off
Touch Diagnostics: Maximum Touches is 0
Keyboard Diagnostics: Keyboards hidKeyboards=2 ps2Keyboards=0 isTouch=0 isWin10TabletMode=0 integratedTouch=0 isDocked=0
Keyboard 0 deviceId=HID\VID_04D8&PID_0001\6&25D2E524&1&0000 serviceName=kbdhid compatibleIds=
Keyboard 1 deviceId=HID\VID_1C4F&PID_0002&MI_00\7&11C60489&0&0000 serviceName=kbdhid compatibleIds=

- When extending the display there is also this information about the second screen:
Dispay 2: \\. \DISPLAY2
Pixel Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Resolution: 5760 x 3240 scale: 1
Physical Size: 1600.0mm x 900.0mm (1835.76mm = 72.27in diagonal)
PPI: 91 x 91 (91.0 diagonal)
Refresh rate: 60 Hz

I used Inquisit 4 in the past, but never with an eye tracker, and now I’m stuck, any help will be most appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time and sorry for the long request!


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