Selective Updating task

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Dave - 6/13/2023
Orion87 - 6/13/2023

Is the "Selective Updating task" present in the study of the link above already in the library or is there something like that? If not, can someone create if please? The following is a picture which describes the task:

That task is not in the library; other available working memory tasks can be found here:

If you want this particular task programmed to use in your research, you can contact sales<at> with the details to obtain a time & cost estimate. Alternatively, you could take a stab at programming the task yourself. Everything in the task as described by Waris et al. is pre-generated and hard-coded  -- "When creating the test versions, the initial number sequences were randomly generated as were the update positions and numbers, except that the old and new numbers were not allowed to be identical (e.g., a 3 replacing a 3 in the same box)" -- so the main work is assembling that set. Once you have that, the rest is fairly trivial.

Thank you.
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Orion87 - 6/13/2023

Is the "Selective Updating task" present in the study of the link above already in the library or is there something like that? If not, can someone create if please? The following is a picture which describes the task:

That task is not in the library; other available working memory tasks can be found here:

If you want this particular task programmed to use in your research, you can contact sales<at> with the details to obtain a time & cost estimate. Alternatively, you could take a stab at programming the task yourself. Everything in the task as described by Waris et al. is pre-generated and hard-coded  -- "Two sets of test items were created for [...] the SUT, [...] and the participants were counterbalanced across sets: half of the participants received one set of items during the pretest and the other set during the posttest, while the order was reversed for the other half of the participants[...] When creating the test versions, the initial number sequences were randomly generated as were the update positions and numbers, except that the old and new numbers were not allowed to be identical (e.g., a 3 replacing a 3 in the same box)" -- so the main work is assembling that set or sets. Once you have that, the rest is fairly trivial.

Edited 2 Years Ago by Dave
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Is the "Selective Updating task" present in the study of the link above already in the library or is there something like that? If not, can someone create if please? The following is a picture which describes the task:


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