Fixing Duplicate Images

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Posts: 2, Visits: 8
Hi all,
My colleagues and I are attempting to run a study on Inquisit that contains two trials. The participant is meant to never see the same image twice within the second trial, yet we keep seeing duplicates within this trial. There are enough images so that none need to be shown twice, and we do not have this issue within the first trial. Is there any code we can use in the script to ensure there are not any duplicates?

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sdnlabra - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
sdnlabra - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
sdnlabra2 - Last Year
                         In short, what you'll want to do is have two recognition surveypages,...
Dave - Last Year
                             thanks dav
sdnlabra2 - Last Year
                             Hi Dave, sorry for the trouble. We tried this, but we are still...
sdnlabra2 - Last Year
                                 Show me the full code and a data file showing duplicates. Name the...
Dave - Last Year
                                     There are no duplicates in the <item> parts, nor the encoding...
sdnlabra2 - Last Year
                                         Here is an example of a full data file, we're looking at the...
sdnlabra2 - Last Year
                                     One thing, since you're doing this all in a single block: You already...
Dave - Last Year
                                         That worked!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We couldn't have done it without...
sdnlabra2 - Last Year

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