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Hi Dave,
I would really appreciate if you can help me solve the following issue with my script.
It uses a list of multipliers at / items = (1, 1, -1) to set probabilities for the score to go up or down. However, it says "Guess was Correct" in the feedback screen after a trial had a multiplier of -1, but I want it to say "Guess was Incorrect" for -1 multipliers and "Guess was Correct" for +1 multipliers.
It reports the difference in the feedback screen correctly, so that's not an issue.
I've tried to add && values.multiplier = 1 to the condition in the first line of /ontrialend, so it becomes: if (trial.trial1.correct && values.multiplier =1), but that doesn't seem to resolve the issue either.
The script is as follows:
<values> / score = 0 / multiplier = 0 / diff = 0 / acc = "" / ncorrect = 0 / n = 0 / cx = 50% </values>
<list prob> / items = (1, 1, -1) / selectionmode = random / replace = true </list>
<trial trial1> / ontrialbegin = [ values.n += 1; values.ncorrect += trial.trial1.correct; values.multiplier = list.prob.nextvalue; ] / ontrialend = [ if (trial.trial1.correct) { values.multiplier = list.prob.nextvalue; values.score += values.multiplier * 10; values.diff = 0; values.diff = values.multiplier * 10; values.acc = "Correct"; } else { values.score += values.multiplier * 5; values.diff = 0; values.diff += values.multiplier * 5; values.acc = "Incorrect"; } ] / stimulusframes = [1=stim, score] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("z", "x") / correctresponse = ("z") / branch = [ { } ] </trial>
<text stim> / items = ("A", "E", "I", "O", "U") / hposition = </text>
<list x> / items = (50%) / selectionrate = always </list>
<trial feedback> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, fb, score, diff, acc] / timeout = 3500 </trial>
<text fb> / items = ("Performance: <%values.ncorrect%> out of <%values.n%> trials correct.") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 21pt, true) / size = (80%, 10%) / erase = false / position = (50%, 85%) </text>
<text diff> / items = ("Score changed by: <%values.diff%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 21pt, true) / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text acc> / items = ("Guess was: <%values.acc%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 21pt, true) / color = black / size = (80%, 20%) / position = (50%, 35%) </text>
<text score> / items = ("Score: <%values.score%>") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 21pt, true) / size = (80%, 20%) / erase = false / position = (50%, 75%) </text>
<block start> / trials = [1-30 = trial1] </block>
Your help will be much appreciated!