Show an image if a condition is satsfied

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 18, Visits: 27
I am in the process of creating a study on inquist, but need help with conditionally displaying an image. I want to code the study in such a way that if a certain picture is displayed (there are two out of eight such pictures that randomly display on two trials), then another picture also gets displayed along with it. 

Thank you!

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sbashyam - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
sbashyam - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
sbashyam - Last Year
                         In each trial, there are images of two boys displayed, along with one...
sbashyam - Last Year
                             First, please don't paste entire scripts into a post's body. That's...
Dave - Last Year
                                 + x [quote] [b] Dave - 7/24/2023 [/b] + x...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                     + x [quote] [b] sbashyam - 7/24/2023 [/b] + x...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                         That ZIP shows up as empty for me.
Dave - Last Year
sbashyam - Last Year
                                             Thanks, I have the files now. Help me understand: - The "white...
Dave - Last Year
                                                 To add: What is the purpose of the "activity_alone" picture element,...
Dave - Last Year
                                                     Whenever the cupckaes or airplane stimuli is displayed, I need the...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                         > Whenever the cupckaes or airplane stimuli is displayed, I need...
Dave - Last Year
                                                             Randomly determined
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                                 Attached a runnable example of how you need to set up the blocks,...
Dave - Last Year
                                                                     Thank you! Could you help me out by also making sure that when the...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                                         What? I'm sorry, but you're not very clear regarding what you want....
Dave - Last Year
                                                                             My apologies if I am being unclear, but this is my first time seeking...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                                                 + x [quote] [b] sbashyam - 7/25/2023 [/b] My apologies...
Dave - Last Year
                                                                                     Thank you, this is very helpful! Could you please explain what each...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                                                         All of these things are avaialbe for you to look up in the language...
Dave - Last Year
                                                                                             <block test1_boys> /trials = [1 = test1_intro; 2 = test1_speech;...
sbashyam - Last Year
                                                                                                 Please take another close look at the code I gave you. Everything in...
Dave - Last Year
sbashyam - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
Dave - Last Year

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