Group: Forum Members
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Hi everyone, I am struggling with the following challenge. I have a survey page with four single textbox-questions where I ask participants to evaluate how much percent of their attention in the trial before was directed to four different categories. So, e.g., 20% to the task before, 70% to something else... I would like to check that participants can only proceed to the next survey page if the total amount of their shares of thoughts equals 100%. If it doesent, there shall be a warning message and particpiants need to adjust there answerts. My problem is, that I do not know how to implement this check. I need to add all the answers and check, whether the sum of the four answers = 100 percent. If so, the next surverypage should follow, if not participants would be encouraged to adapt their choice of values. I tried something like the following, but do not know how to proceed:
/ontrialend = [if ((textbox.Seiteabbruch.response) + (textbox.komplettanderegedanken.response)+ (textbox.NBackGedanken.response)+ (textbox.NBackPerformanceGedanken.response)) == 100]
I would be very happy about any help. This is the code.
<textbox ApartmentGedanken> / caption = "... der Wohnungsaufgabe von davor? (in Prozent)" / multiline = false / required = true / maxchars = 3 /textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%) </textbox>
slider ApartmentGedanken> / caption = "... die Apartment-Aufgabe von davor nachgedacht?" / subcaption = " " / labels = ("0%","10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%","60%", "70%", "80&", "90%","100 %") / range = (1%, 100%) / slidersize = (50%, 5%) /required = false / showtooltips = false / increment = 1 </slider>
<textbox KomplettAndereGedanken> / caption = "... etwas ganz anderem? (in Prozent)" / multiline = false / required = true / maxchars = 3 /textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%) </textbox>
<textbox NBackGedanken> / caption = "... der 3-Zurück-Aufgabe? (in Prozent)" / multiline = false / required = true / maxchars = 3 /textboxsize = (3.5%,2.5%) </textbox>
<surveypage Gedanken> /caption ="XYZ." / subcaption = "XYZ." /questions = [1 = ApartmentGedanken, KomplettAndereGedanken, NBackGedanken, NBackPerformanceGedanken] /showpagenumbers = false /showquestionnumbers = false / errormessage = true(text.error, 3000) ?????? </surveypage>