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Hi, I would like to run a block to remove outlier before the finish block to get the average value when outliers are removed. Below is what I have in mind as an outlier block, but when I run it, the list.RTremove.mean is zero. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong?
<block outlier> / onblockend = [ var i=0; var RTmin= list.RT.mean - 3 * list.RT.standarddeviation ; var RTmax = list.RT.mean + 3 * list.RT.standarddeviation; var num = list.RT.poolsize;
while (i <= num ) { var currentvalue = list.RT.item(i); if (values.currentvalue >= values.RTmin && values.currentvalue <= values.RTmax) { list.RTremove.appenditem(values.currentvalue) ; }; i++; }; ]