Presenting a random number of dots

Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.3K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 25, Visits: 104
I'm trying to set up a task where participants will see a cluster of dots on the left hand side of screen, and another cluster of dots on the right. The task is to indicate which cluster has more dots in it.
I want each trial to present a random number of dots (between 50 and 100) on one side. The other cluster will have x number of dots more or less than the first cluster (x will vary across trials to manipulate difficulty).
My problem is that I can't figure out how to present a random number of dots. I've tried a few things but always get stuck somewhere. My latest idea was to always present the maximum number of dots (i.e. 100), and then try to make a small subset of them the same colour as the background, essentially making them go away. I've attached the script I tinkered with, which presents 20 dots on the left. The bit of code I tried to use in the trial element to make some of the dots white isn't working because clearly I can't use the <%%> code in this way. I can't figure out another way though.

<trial dottrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [list.dotlist.reset();
  var i = 0;
  while (i < values.selectnumber) {
   shape.<%list.dotlist.nextvalue%>.color = white;
   i += 1;
/ stimulusframes = [1 = dot1, dot2, dot3, dot4, dot5, dot6, dot7, dot8, dot9, dot10, dot11, dot12, dot13, dot14, dot15, dot16, dot17, dot18, dot19, dot20]
/ validresponse = (57)

Could I get there with this approach? Or is this never going to work?
New Dot task.iqx (88 views, 4.00 KB)

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