Two questions about programming Cyberball 5 (how to set the type of speed of balls thrown by NPCs...

Two questions about programming Cyberball 5 (how to set the type of...
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Dave - 1/26/2024

Dear, Dave

Thank you for your reply.
I understand that I will use the responsetext property if I need the characters.
Now that I can experiment with numbers, I changed it to numbers instead of characters, as in the following code.
However, whether I select "1" or "2", it cannot be thrown in Fastspeed, but only in Slowspeed.
What am I doing wrong?

The code is as below
<trial player2speed>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.received_from = values.ball_at;
    values.player2received += 1;
    values.player1state = 1;
    values.player2state = 2;
    values.player3state = 1;
    values.player4state = 1;
    values.player5state = 1;
    values.player6state = 1;
    values.player7state = 1;
    values.player8state = 1;
    values.player9state = 1;
    values.ball_at = 2;
    values.throw_to = list.throwschedule.nextvalue;
    values.delay = list.delayschedule.nextvalue;

/ ontrialend = [
    if (trial.player2speed.response == "slow") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.slowspeed;
    } else if (trial.player2speed.response == "fast") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.fastspeed;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6, player7, player8, player9,
    player1label, player2label, player3label, player4label, player5label, player6label, player7label, player8label, player9label,
    player1avatar, player2avatar, player3avatar, player4avatar, player5avatar, player6avatar, player7avatar, player8avatar, player9avatar,
    stats, slow, fast]
/ validresponse = ("1", "2")
/ responsemessage = ("1", button.slow, 100)
/ responsemessage = ("2",, 100)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ branch = [
  if (trial.player2.response == "2") {
      parameters.throwspeed = parameters.slowspeed;
/ branch = [
  if (trial.player2.response == "3") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.fastspeed;
/ branch = [
    return trial.player2;
/ recorddata = false

<button slow>
/ caption = "SLOW THROW"
/ size = (15%, 8%)
/ position = (50%, 45%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%, true)

<button fast>
/ caption = "FAST THROW"
/ size = (15%, 8%)
/ position = (50%, 55%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%, true)

Sorry for asking so many questions.
Many thanks for your always prompt and clear answers.

Respectfully yours,
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S.T - 1/26/2024
Dave - 1/26/2024

Dear, Dave

Thank you for your reply.
I understand that I will use the responsetext property if I need the characters.
Now that I can experiment with numbers, I changed it to numbers instead of characters, as in the following code.
However, whether I select "1" or "2", it cannot be thrown in Fastspeed, but only in Slowspeed.
What am I doing wrong?

The code is as below
<trial player2speed>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.received_from = values.ball_at;
    values.player2received += 1;
    values.player1state = 1;
    values.player2state = 2;
    values.player3state = 1;
    values.player4state = 1;
    values.player5state = 1;
    values.player6state = 1;
    values.player7state = 1;
    values.player8state = 1;
    values.player9state = 1;
    values.ball_at = 2;
    values.throw_to = list.throwschedule.nextvalue;
    values.delay = list.delayschedule.nextvalue;

/ ontrialend = [
    if (trial.player2speed.response == "slow") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.slowspeed;
    } else if (trial.player2speed.response == "fast") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.fastspeed;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, player1, player2, player3, player4, player5, player6, player7, player8, player9,
    player1label, player2label, player3label, player4label, player5label, player6label, player7label, player8label, player9label,
    player1avatar, player2avatar, player3avatar, player4avatar, player5avatar, player6avatar, player7avatar, player8avatar, player9avatar,
    stats, slow, fast]
/ validresponse = ("1", "2")
/ responsemessage = ("1", button.slow, 100)
/ responsemessage = ("2",, 100)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ branch = [
  if (trial.player2.response == "2") {
      parameters.throwspeed = parameters.slowspeed;
/ branch = [
  if (trial.player2.response == "3") {
        parameters.throwspeed = parameters.fastspeed;
/ branch = [
    return trial.player2;
/ recorddata = false

<button slow>
/ caption = "SLOW THROW"
/ size = (15%, 8%)
/ position = (50%, 45%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%, true)

<button fast>
/ caption = "FAST THROW"
/ size = (15%, 8%)
/ position = (50%, 55%)
/ fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3%, true)

Sorry for asking so many questions.
Many thanks for your always prompt and clear answers.

Respectfully yours,

You're using the wrong trial's response property.
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Dave - 1/26/2024

Dear Dave,

Thanks to your numerous helps, the program is about to be completed.

I just have a few more questions.
In Inqusit, I don't understand how to record data.
In this experiment, I want to record player 2 (participant) throwing "when", "to whom", and "at which speed".

What code should I add in the program as I sent you the other day?

Best regard,

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Dear Dave,

This issue has been resolved.
Thank you.
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Dave - 1/26/2024

Dear Dave,

Sorry for the frequent questions.
I'm almost there, so please teach me.

When I perform an experiment, I would like to record the following in the data.
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program did the experiment begin?"
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program did each throw go through?"
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program was the participant's response?"

In other words, I want to record the flow of each throw in milliseconds from the start of the program.
However, time as a record is just the date and time to the second which I don't need to record.
I don't know what program to use to get the above data.
Could you please tell me how to do this?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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S.T - 3/5/2024
Dave - 1/26/2024

Dear Dave,

Sorry for the frequent questions.
I'm almost there, so please teach me.

When I perform an experiment, I would like to record the following in the data.
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program did the experiment begin?"
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program did each throw go through?"
"How many milliseconds after the start of the program was the participant's response?"

In other words, I want to record the flow of each throw in milliseconds from the start of the program.
However, time as a record is just the date and time to the second which I don't need to record.
I don't know what program to use to get the above data.
Could you please tell me how to do this?

Thank you in advance for your help.

You need to log script.elapsedtime at the points of interest.

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Dear Dave,

I understand.
I will try it.

Thank you.

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