Feature request: Abort (online) study during download of data

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 118, Visits: 396
Dear all,

I just had a participant in an online study contact me in some distress after having had to wait 30 minutes to quit Inquisit due to a long download. The experiment (launch page https://mili2nd.eu/bwec) had around 500MB of files (which the participant knew), but the download took an unreasonably long time for some reason (could be local, could be short-lived server issues). Regardless, after five minutes of waiting, the participant understandably wanted to quit the experiment and tried using the quit code I had supplied at the start of the experiment. However (as best as I can tell), this was useless, as Inquisit had not yet properly started the main script file, but was still in the download phase.

I realize these are edge cases, but I wonder if a future feature update might consider allowing the user some option to cancel the experiment's start while files are being loaded? Of course, users can generally use Task Manager (on Windows) to kill the process, but less tech-savvy users are unlikely to know this and experimenters often cannot help directly in online studies. Just a thought!


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