Representing stimuli from several lists of items

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Hi, hope you're doing well!

I've been struggling with representing picture stimuli items from several lists.

I have 4 item elements each consisting of 15 stimuli items (60 in total). I also have another 60 item elements each consisting of 9 stimuli items (540 in total). Thus, overall I have 64 item elements and 600 different stimuli items. 

I want to create a <list SameList> and to put 4 item elements (consisting of 15 stimuli each) in it. I want all the 60 stimuli from this list to be used in the experiment in a random order. The code I wrote for this part:

<list SameList>
/ items = [item.SAMEN; item.SAMENR; item.SAMES; item.SAMESR]
/ poolsize = 60
/ itemprobabilities = uniform
/ selectionmode = random
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = false

Then, I create another list <list DifferentList> for another 60 item elements (consisting of 9 stimuli each). I want only 60 stimuli from this pool of 540 stimuli of items to be used in the experiment. I want to make it in a way that only one random stimulus from each of the 60 item elements included in the list is chosen. I wrote it this way:

<list DifferentList>
/ items = [item.D1; ... ; item.D60]
/ poolsize = 60
/ itemprobabilities = uniform
/ selectionmode = random
/ selectionrate = always
/ replace = false

Lastly, I tried to create a list combining these two lists. I want at the end to have 120 stimuli to be represented (I have 120 trials): all the 60 from the 4 item elements in SameList and 60 stimuli (one random) from each of the 60 item elements in DifferentList. I want these 120 to be shown in a random order. 

<list masterlist>
/ items = [list.SameList; list.DifferentList]
/ poolsize = 120
/ itemprobabilities = [0.5; 0.5]
/ selectionmode = random 
/ selectionrate = always 
/ replace = false

Then I use Picture element to ask the program to represent the stimuli in line with my idea.
When I use picture element, the program requires either to mention all the 600 stimuli one by one or to refer to the one joint item element. I mention the 600 one by one.

<picture Stimulus>
/ items = ("A1N.jpg"; "A2N.jpg; ....)
/ select = list.masterlist.nextindex
/ selectionrate = always
/ position = (50%; 45%)

However, when I have such a code, the program only uses the 120 items that I mentioned first within the Picture element.
If I try to enlarge the poolsize in my masterlist, for instance to 600, then the stimuli are chosen from the whole pool, but the proportion 50% for same list and 50% for different list doesn't work and the stimuli are picked merely on the random basis.

Could you please help to solve this issue?


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Aleksandr - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
Aleksandr - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
                         Thank you
Aleksandr - Last Year
                         Hi Dave, May I ask you one more question? For the experiment I need...
Aleksandr - Last Year
                             > I believe with such a code my two <trial> elements are not...
Dave - Last Year
                                 That's the great news, thank you so much for clarification! And have a...
Aleksandr - Last Year
                                     You do have a mistake here, unrelated to the original question:...
Dave - Last Year
                                         Thank you! With /iscorrectresponse I intended to program different...
Aleksandr - Last Year
                                             Well, you're not checking whether the 1st or 2nd item was selected in...
Dave - Last Year
                                                 Got it! Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help!
Aleksandr - Last Year
                                                     Eh, wait. That won't work because of the poolsize. You'll need to...
Dave - Last Year
                                                         Okay. So it works in a way that when there is a poolsize determined,...
Aleksandr - Last Year
Dave - Last Year

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