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This experiment asks subjects to guess if there are more x colored boxes or y colored boxes with each trial having a ratio of x to y defined as either "60/40" or "80/20". I am looking to output the ratio of each trial in the order the trials are shown to the participant. (Ratios are defined by <list ratio_trial01> through <list ratio_trial22> and will be either "60/40" or "80/20") The trials are selected at random and will be selected in a different order every go around. (Trial order is shown in <summary data> "values.sequence")
Problem: I am having trouble mapping ratios to trials in a dynamic way
My current idea for a solution/Question: Is there a way for me to append values.sequence to a list, let's call it list A, then use an expression to map each list item to the correct trial ratio and store it in a new list called list B that I can output?
List A ex: (17,1,5,6,9,10...) List B ex: (60/40,60/40,60/40,80/20....)