noreplace and noreplacenorepeat

posted Last Year HOT
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 54, Visits: 114
Hi Dave,
I've checked the Inquisit Language Reference, but can't seem to find much information or examples on using the noreplace and noreplacenorepeat functions.
So, I have three main questions:
1. In the following script, if using noreplace, will that mean each of the three trials is run through randomly four times?
2. If I use noreplacenorepeat instead of noreplace, will that mean each of the three trials is run through randomly four times, but the only change is that a given trial will not run directly after itself (e.g., there will be no trial_a followed directly by another trial_a). Does noreplacenorepeat have any other effect?
3. Does the script run through the items in each trial in sequential order, or are they run in random order? (e.g., For trial_a, will the items run through sequentially as /1 = "A", /2 = "B", /3 = "C"). Does using noreplace or noreplacenorepeat affect the order in which the items within a trial are run? Is it possible that a given item will ever be run directly after itself (e.g., /1 = "A" followed directly by another /1 = "A" which this trial_a is run)?

Thanks in advance!

<trial trial_a>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, stimulus_a]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<trial trial_b>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, stimulus_b]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<trial trial_c>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, stimulus_c]
/ validresponse = (" ")

<text stimulus_a>
/ items = letters
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 255)
/ txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255)

<item letters>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "B"
/ 3 = "C"

<text stimulus_b>
/ items = numbers
/ txcolor = (255, 0, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255)

<item numbers>
/ 1 = "1"
/ 2 = "2"
/ 3 = "3"

<text stimulus_c>
/ items = words
/ txcolor = (0, 255, 0)
/ txbgcolor = (255, 255, 255)

<item words>
/ 1 = "dog"
/ 2 = "cat"
/ 3 = "horse"

<block block_1>
/ trials = [1-12 = noreplace(trial.trial_a, trial.trial_b, trial.trial_c)]


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raven - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
raven - Last Year
Dave - Last Year
                     Thanks for explaining, Dave. Much appreciated!
raven - Last Year
                         Actually, after just reading about the / select attribute, I have...
raven - Last Year
                             <item> elements don't have a /select attribute. <item>...
Dave - Last Year
                                 Thanks, that makes sense.
raven - Last Year

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