Selected option not highlighted anymore in Inquisit 6

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Posts: 4, Visits: 8
We have been using Inquisit to run a certain experiment for > 10 years now. With the switch to Inquisit 6 our previous script did not work as before. I have fixed most issues but one remains: when asking the participants to rate a picture on a scale of 1 to 5 using the number keys the selected number is not highlighted anymore. In Inquisit 5 (and former versions), if the participant presses key 5, the 5 on screen gets highlighted in light blue and has a dotted line surrounding it. So the participant can see that his answer went through.
With Inquisit 6 this highlighting of the selected option does not happen anymore. Is there a way to program / set a similar procedure in Inquisit 6?

This is the current script:

<likert rate_attractivenesspicstay>
/ anchors = [1= "attractive";2="";3="";4="";5="not attractive"]
/ stimulustimes = [0=attractiveness]
/ mouse=false
/ numpoints=5
/ position= (50, 80)
/ posttrialpause=100
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
LilM - 3/4/2024
We have been using Inquisit to run a certain experiment for > 10 years now. With the switch to Inquisit 6 our previous script did not work as before. I have fixed most issues but one remains: when asking the participants to rate a picture on a scale of 1 to 5 using the number keys the selected number is not highlighted anymore. In Inquisit 5 (and former versions), if the participant presses key 5, the 5 on screen gets highlighted in light blue and has a dotted line surrounding it. So the participant can see that his answer went through.
With Inquisit 6 this highlighting of the selected option does not happen anymore. Is there a way to program / set a similar procedure in Inquisit 6?

This is the current script:

<likert rate_attractivenesspicstay>
/ anchors = [1= "attractive";2="";3="";4="";5="not attractive"]
/ stimulustimes = [0=attractiveness]
/ mouse=false
/ numpoints=5
/ position= (50, 80)
/ posttrialpause=100
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

> . Is there a way to program / set a similar procedure in Inquisit 6?

No, not really


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