Create a network or "mental map" of words

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Posts: 8, Visits: 35
I would like to create a task where people can type in words that then appear on the screen (either the same one as the one where they are entering the words or the next screen). Then, they can click on each word and move them around freely on the screen, to move each word closer or further from any other word. Finally, they would be able to draw arrows between the words.

Is this at all possible with Inquisit?

The goal is to create a network / web of words to know how people are thinking about one thing leading to another, creating a "mental map."

Thanks in advance!  
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wmfang - 4/22/2024
I would like to create a task where people can type in words that then appear on the screen (either the same one as the one where they are entering the words or the next screen). Then, they can click on each word and move them around freely on the screen, to move each word closer or further from any other word. Finally, they would be able to draw arrows between the words.

Is this at all possible with Inquisit?

The goal is to create a network / web of words to know how people are thinking about one thing leading to another, creating a "mental map."

Thanks in advance!  

Entering and displaying on screen is possible. Moving around is possible. Drawing arrows between objects is not possible*.

*It's sort of possible if you are fine with people drawing arrows or whatever free-hand. It's not really possible to have nice-looking arrows you can just rotate, stretch, etc. like you would have in a mind-mapping app or the like.

To add some resources:
- Get up to speed on drag and drop mechanics in Inquisit, there are various examples you can find on the forums.
A bunch of library tasks employing drag and drop mechanics are

- For free-hand drawing:

To sum up: It's mostly possible, it's not entirely trivial, and you won't get a slick mind-mapping app like result.

Edited Last Year by Dave

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