Adding text to a Likert scale and creating an attention check

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17, Visits: 47
I am running an experiment in which participants will be making ratings on a 7 point Likert type scale after viewing stimuli. I currently have the Likert scale set up with only the buttons and corresponding ratings, but I wanted to also have the rating prompt presented with the scale each time. How do I add just some text above the Likert scale?

<likert ratingtrial>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    likert.ratingtrial.insertstimulustime(picture.mask, 250 + values.viewtime);
    likert.ratingtrial.insertstimulustime(clearscreen, 250 + values.viewtime + 50);
/ pretrialpause = 300
/ stimulustimes = [0=fix; 200=mask; 250=clearscreen; 250=site]
/ anchors=[1="very unaesthetic"; 2="unaesthetic"; 3="somewhat unaesthetic"; 4="neutral"; 5="somewhat aesthetic"; 6="aesthetic"; 7="very aesthetic"]
/ numpoints = 7
/ position=(50, 50)
/ posttrialpause = 100
/ buttonvalues = [1="1",2="2",3="3",4="4",5="5",6="6",7="7"]
/ mouse = true

Additionally, I want to include a short attention check towards the end of my experiment. Could I just add another Likert type scale with a question and set one of the answers as the correct one?

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dinghu - 5 Months Ago
Dave - 5 Months Ago
dinghu - 4 Months Ago
Dave - 4 Months Ago
dinghu - 4 Months Ago
                         Create a variable which you increase by one /ontrialbegin in every...
Dave - 4 Months Ago
                             Thank you so much for breaking it down like this. I just wanted to...
dinghu - 4 Months Ago

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