I was wondering whether by any chance there was an undocumented parameter that would allow me to set the session number in Inquisit via command line. According to
https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/current/html/howto/howtocommandline.htm, you can set the subject and group parameters, but there's no information on session. This would help me in testing a new script which relies on the session parameter.
Specifically, it's part of my experiment prep to create a large dataset of monkey files in order to check whether conditions are being correctly assigned, stimuli correctly randomized, and whether the data file contains all necessary information before going live. I use a self-written batch file for this:
@echo off
::This command forces the batch to recognize Umlaute (ü,ä,ö) within path names.
CHCP 65001
::The /p options will make the batch ask you for input for that variable.
::Alternatively, you can just copy+paste your names and/or directory into this file before running it.
::Remove the :: before any line you want to use and add it before the lines you don't.
::name of the Inquisit file for copying into here (.iqx is assumed)
::set iqxname=YourFileName
::name of the Inquisit file if you want to be asked by the batch when it runs
set /p iqxname=Enter the name of your Inquisit file (without .iqx).
::path to the Inquisit file (no backslash at end) for copying into here
::set pathtoiqx=YourPathName
::path to the Inquisit file if you want to be asked by the batch when it runs
set /p pathtoiqx=Enter the path to your Inquisit file (without a backslash \ at the end).
::if you want to copy the batch into the same directory as your Inquisit file and run it there
::set pathtoiqx=%cd%
::user entry of drive containing inquisit installation
set /p inquisitdrive=Enter the drive letter where Inquisit is installed (default is "C:").
if "%inquisitdrive%"=="" (set inquisitdrive=C:)
set /p firstsubject=Enter the first subject number you want as a monkey datafile.
set /p lastsubject=Enter the last subject number you want as a monkey datafile (all subjects between %firstsubject% and this number will be run; make sure it's bigger then %firstsubject%).
FOR /L %%A IN (%firstsubject%,1,%lastsubject%) DO (
"%inquisitdrive%\Program Files\Millisecond Software\Inquisit 6\Inquisit.exe" "%pathtoiqx%\%iqxname%.iqx" -s %%A -g 1 -m monkey
I want to add a sub-loop that cycles through each required session per subject id, which is why I need the parameter.