Running Inquisit on a Secondary Monitor

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ELP - 5/21/2024
I was wondering if it is possible to run an inqusit experiment on a secondary monitor. I have a lab set up where the control computer has two monitors. The primary monitor is in the experimenter room and this needs to be the primary monitor to allow experimenters to run and control matlab which we use for some tasks. The secondary monitor is in the next room with the participant, and this is where we want to display the experiment. At the moment I can only get inquisit to run on the primary monitor. Is there code I can add to instruct inquisit to display to the secondary monitor?
Thanks in advance

You can, within limits, using the /monitor attribute.

The better option, however, is to make the monitor the task is executed on the primary monitor, at least temporarily.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
I was wondering if it is possible to run an inqusit experiment on a secondary monitor. I have a lab set up where the control computer has two monitors. The primary monitor is in the experimenter room and this needs to be the primary monitor to allow experimenters to run and control matlab which we use for some tasks. The secondary monitor is in the next room with the participant, and this is where we want to display the experiment. At the moment I can only get inquisit to run on the primary monitor. Is there code I can add to instruct inquisit to display to the secondary monitor?
Thanks in advance


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