Unable to load and open file

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 42, Visits: 84

Hi there, I received these error messages when I attempted to run the test.

This is the example of the batch file I saved. My intention was to run 2 tests in random order.  
/ selectionmode = random
/ file="bart.iqx"
/ file="shortant.iqx"

Thank you very much!

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agt - 4 Months Ago
Dave - 4 Months Ago
agt - 4 Months Ago
Dave - 4 Months Ago
                     This is the correct setting for the tests to be randomised?
agt - 4 Months Ago
                         What do you mean by "for the tests to be randomized"?
Dave - 4 Months Ago
                             I'm asking because there are several ways to interpret "for the tests...
Dave - 4 Months Ago
                                 Yes, this is the randomisation I was referring to, i.e. assigning...
agt - 4 Months Ago

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