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+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHi, there After each survey completion, I receive two types of files: a detailed file that includes all the necessary data, and a summary file that unfortunately lacks some details. Specifically, the summary files omit crucial information such as response times, condition assignments, and three specific responses from the "similar" condition. Moreover, these files are generated individually for each participant rather than providing a comprehensive summary for all participants. Is there a way to address these two issues? Thank you!!!! // DEFAULTS <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4, 3) / inputdevice = mouse </defaults> <summarydata> / columns = (script.startDate, script.startTime, script.subjectId, script.groupId, script.sessionId, script.elapsedTime, script.completed, script.trialcount, //individual responses slider.eval_slider_q1.response, slider.eval_slider_q2.response, slider.eval_slider_q3.response, slider.eval_slider_q4.response, slider.eval_slider_q5.response, slider.eval_slider_q6.response, slider.dec_q1.response, slider.dec_q2.response, checkboxes.dec_q3.response, checkboxes.dec_q4.response, slider.dec_q5.response, textbox.dec_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q1.response, textbox.end_q2.response, checkboxes.end_q3.response, radiobuttons.end_q4.response, radiobuttons.end_q5.response, radiobuttons.end_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q7.response, radiobuttons.end_q8.response, radiobuttons.end_q9.response) </summarydata> // ELEMENTS TO BE USED FOR LATER <page quality_opening> <br><br><br><br><br> <u><b>Background </page> <page similarity_opening> <u><b>Background Please carefully review their profiles. </page> <surveypage whiteinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions.<b>Your shortlisted candidate is A</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <surveypage blackinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions. <b>Your shortlisted candidate is B</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <text shortlisted> / items = ("<b>Shortlisted Candidate</b>") / position = (87%, 21%) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </text> <picture bad> / items = ("1.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 50% / size = (700, 700) </picture> <picture good> / items = ("2.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 15% / size = (700, 700) </picture> <slider eval_slider_q1> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q2> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q3> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q4> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q5> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q6> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> // BLOCK 1 // intro <checkboxes consent_q> / caption = "Consent *DESCRIPTION*: You are invited to participate in a research study. / options = ("I understand the information above and agree to participate in the survey.") </checkboxes> <page welcome> Welcome to the study! </page> <surveypage consentform> / questions = [ 1=consent_q ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block intro> / trials = [ 1=consentform ] / postinstructions = (welcome) </block> // BLOCK 2a // blacksim <surveypage blacksim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <surveypage blacksim2> / caption = ("Question") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block blacksim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blacksim1; 3=blacksim2 ] </block> // BLOCK 2b // whitesim <surveypage whitesim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <surveypage whitesim2> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block whitesim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitesim1; 3=whitesim2 ] </block> // BLOCK 2c // blackqual <surveypage blackqual> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block blackqual> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blackqual ] </block> // BLOCK 2d // whitequal <surveypage whitequal> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block whitequal> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitequal ] </block> // BLOCK 3 // decision <slider dec_q1> / caption = "Question1 " / labels=("Definitely no", "Definitely yes") / range = (0, 100) / linelength = 80 / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider dec_q2> / caption = "Question2?" / labels=("Not at all", "Extremely") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <checkboxes dec_q3> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously top employee?" / options = ( "Less than 50% of the salary of a previously top employee", "50% to 60% of the salary of a previously top employee" ) </checkboxes> <checkboxes dec_q4> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously bottom-line employee?" / options = ( "Less than 80% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee" ) </checkboxes> <slider dec_q5> / caption = "How easy or difficult was the hiring task that you just completed?" / labels=("Extremely difficult", "Extremely easy") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <textbox dec_q6> / caption = "Please write 1-2 sentences." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (50, 10) </textbox> <surveypage dec1> / questions = [ 1=dec_q1; 2=dec_q2 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec2> / questions = [ 1=dec_q3; 2=dec_q4 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec3> / questions = [ 1=dec_q5 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec4> / questions = [ 1=dec_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block decision> / trials = [ 1=dec1; 2=dec2; 3=dec3; 4=dec4 ] </block> <surveypage end> / caption = "Please provide responses to some background questions. Your responses are confidential." / questions = [ 1=end_q1; 2=end_q2; 3=end_q3; 4=end_q4; 5=end_q5; 6=end_q6; 7=end_q7; 8=end_q8; 9=end_q9 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block end> / trials = [ 1=end ] </block> <expt simhire6> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=random(blacksim, whitesim, blackqual, whitequal); 3=decision; 4=end] </expt> The code is incomplete and has various mistakes on top. Please provide complete and working code. Further, summary data writes out a single-row summary. If you want separate variables per condition, you need to either store these in separate variables and log these variables or you must avoid re-using the same question elements in different conditions (i.e. instead define one set of question elements per condition, log these). If you want latencies logged, log the respective surveypage elements' latency properties. There are no per-question latencies, since questions on the same page can be answered in any order, participants can go back and forth between questions and change responses, etc. The latency is the time at which the entire page is submitted. You can set /separatefiles = false in <summarydata>, then all participants' data collected on the same machine with Inquisit Lab will go into a single summary data file. There is no problem with having separate files, however, and I would recommend sticking with separate files. You can always merge them later. // DEFAULTS <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4, 3) / inputdevice = mouse </defaults>
<summarydata> / columns = (script.startDate, script.startTime, script.subjectId, script.groupId, script.sessionId, script.elapsedTime, script.completed, script.trialcount, values.condition, //individual responses values.blacksim1_ability, values.blacksim1_quality, values.blacksim1_fitness, values.blacksim1_latency, values.blacksim2_ability, values.blacksim2_quality, values.blacksim2_fitness, values.blacksim2_latency,
values.whitesim1_ability, values.whitesim1_quality, values.whitesim1_fitness, values.whitesim1_latency, values.whitesim2_ability, values.whitesim2_quality, values.whitesim2_fitness, values.whitesim2_latency,
values.blackqual_ability, values.blackqual_quality, values.blackqual_fitness, values.blackqual_latency,
values.whitequal_ability, values.whitequal_quality, values.whitequal_fitness, values.whitequal_latency,
slider.dec_q1.response, slider.dec_q2.response, surveypage.dec1.latency, checkboxes.dec_q3.response, checkboxes.dec_q4.response, surveypage.dec2.latency, slider.dec_q5.response, surveypage.dec3.latency, textbox.dec_q6.response surveypage.dec4.latency, radiobuttons.end_q1.response, textbox.end_q2.response, checkboxes.end_q3.response, radiobuttons.end_q4.response, radiobuttons.end_q5.response, radiobuttons.end_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q7.response, radiobuttons.end_q8.response, radiobuttons.end_q9.response, surveypage.end.latency) / separatefiles = false </summarydata>
// ELEMENTS TO BE USED FOR LATER <page quality_opening> <br><br><br><br><br> <u><b>Background and Job Description</b></u><br><br>
"Hometown Groceries," a small family-owned grocery store, is navigating a competitive market increasingly influenced by AI and data analytics. The owners, understanding the potential of these technologies for personalized customer service and optimized operations, have decided to <u><b>hire a specialist with a background in AI, data analytics, and leadership</u></b>.<br><br>
As the HR person for Hometown Groceries, you are tasked with finding the right candidate. You understand that this person needs to not only integrate these technologies into the business, but also manage this transition smoothly, ensuring the team adapts effectively. You have decided to focus on <u><b>five dimensions to evaluate the candidates</u></b>: Career objective, educational background, work experience, technical skills, and professional achievements.
<page similarity_opening> <u><b>Background and Job Description</b></u><br><br>
"Hometown Groceries," a small family-owned grocery store, is navigating a competitive market increasingly influenced by AI and data analytics. The owners, understanding the potential of these technologies for personalized customer service and optimized operations, have decided to <u><b>hire a specialist with a background in AI, data analytics, and leadership</u></b>.<br><br>
As the HR person for Hometown Groceries, you are tasked with finding the right candidate. You understand that this person needs to not only integrate these technologies into the business, but also manage this transition smoothly, ensuring the team adapts effectively. You have decided to focus on <u><b>five dimensions to evaluate the candidates</u></b>: Career objective, educational background, work experience, technical skills, and professional achievements.<br><br>
To assist you in this hiring task, you reach out to your counterpart at "Neighborhood Market," a similar business that recently went through the same process. The HR person at Neighborhood Market shares with you <u><b>two candidates they previously hired</u></b>. Armed with these examples, you now have a clearer picture of what to look for in candidates.<br><br>
<u><b>The resumes of both example employees</u></b> from "Neighborhood Market" <u><b>and your shortlisted candidate</u></b> will be presented to you on the next page. The information shows their relevant qualifications in the five dimensions you will consider.<br><br>
Please carefully review their profiles. </page>
<surveypage whiteinfo> / caption = "Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions.<b>Your shortlisted candidate is A</b>." / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blackinfo> / caption = "Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions. <b>Your shortlisted candidate is B</b>." / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<text shortlisted> / items = ("<b>Shortlisted Candidate</b>") / position = (87%, 21%) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<picture bad> / items = ("1.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 50% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture good> / items = ("2.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 15% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture middleblack> / items = ("middle_black.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 85% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture middlewhite> / items = ("middle_white.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 85% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<slider eval_slider_q1> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q2> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q3> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q4> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q5> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q6> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
// BLOCK 1 // intro <checkboxes consent_q> / caption = "Consent
*DESCRIPTION*: You are invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of the study is to understand people’s attitudes and experiences in daily life consumption settings. You will be asked to read a little and write a little about your attitudes and behaviors related to consumption. You will also be asked to answer multiple-choice type questions about your current behaviors in general. Participation in this research is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time. Participants will not be compensated if they do not meet eligibility criteria (i.e., not being willing to take typing tasks or have taken the study before).
*TIME INVOLVEMENT*: Your participation will take approximately 6 minutes.
*PAYMENTS*: You will receive $1.2 as payment for your participation.
*PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY*: Your individual privacy will be maintained during the research and in all published and written data resulting from the study.
*COVID-19 POLICY*: If you are coming in-person to research visits, you are required to be fully vaccinated—2 doses (1 for Johnson and Johnson), 2 weeks out and to provide proof of your vaccination (e.g., CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card, e-Health record, etc.) to the researcher prior to study participation. Alternatively, you can provide a negative COVID test within 72 hours of your visit.
Please save or print a copy of this page for your records." / options = ("I understand the information above and agree to participate in the survey.") </checkboxes>
<page welcome>
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Welcome to the study!
^^In this survey, you'll take on the role of a hiring manager tasked with evaluating job candidates. We appreciate your thoughtful decisions as you navigate this process.
<surveypage consentform> / questions = [ 1=consent_q ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block intro> / trials = [ 1=consentform ] / postinstructions = (welcome) </block>
// BLOCK 2a // blacksim
<surveypage blacksim1> / ontrialend = [ values.blacksim1_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.blacksim1_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.blacksim1_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.blacksim1_latency = surveypage.blacksim1.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>David Williams</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blacksim2> / ontrialend = [ values.blacksim2_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.blacksim2_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.blacksim2_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.blacksim2_latency = surveypage.blacksim2.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>James Smith</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blacksim> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "blacksim"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blacksim1; 3=blacksim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2b // whitesim <surveypage whitesim1> / ontrialend = [ values.whitesim1_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.whitesim1_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.whitesim1_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.whitesim1_latency = surveypage.whitesim1.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>David Williams</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage whitesim2> / ontrialend = [ values.whitesim2_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.whitesim2_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.whitesim2_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.whitesim2_latency = surveypage.whitesim2.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>James Smith</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitesim> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "whitesim"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitesim1; 3=whitesim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2c // blackqual <surveypage blackqual> / ontrialend = [ values.blackqual_ability = slider.eval_slider_q4.response; values.blackqual_quality = slider.eval_slider_q5.response; values.blackqual_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q6.response; values.blackqual_latency = surveypage.blackqual.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>quality</b> of your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blackqual> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "blackqual"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blackqual ] </block>
// BLOCK 2d // whitequal <surveypage whitequal> / ontrialend = [ values.whitequal_ability = slider.eval_slider_q4.response; values.whitequal_quality = slider.eval_slider_q5.response; values.whitequal_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q6.response; values.whitequal_latency = surveypage.whitequal.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>quality</b> of your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitequal> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "whitequal"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitequal ] </block>
// BLOCK 3 // decision <slider dec_q1> / caption = "How likely are you to hire your shortlisted candidate? " / labels=("Definitely no", "Definitely yes") / range = (0, 100) / linelength = 80 / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider dec_q2> / caption = "How confident would you be with the decision?" / labels=("Not at all confident", "Extremely confident") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<checkboxes dec_q3> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously top employee?" / options = ( "Less than 50% of the salary of a previously top employee", "50% to 60% of the salary of a previously top employee", "60% to 70% of the salary of a previously top employee", "70% to 80% of the salary of a previously top employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously top employee", "90% to 100% of the salary of a previously top employee", "100% to 110% of the salary of a previously top employee", "110% to 120% of the salary of a previously top employee", "More than 120% of the salary of a previously top employee" ) </checkboxes>
<checkboxes dec_q4> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously bottom-line employee?" / options = ( "Less than 80% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "90% to 100% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "100% to 110% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "110% to 120% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "20% to 130% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "130% to 140% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "140% to 150% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "More than 150% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee" ) </checkboxes>
<slider dec_q5> / caption = "How easy or difficult was the hiring task that you just completed?" / labels=("Extremely difficult", "Extremely easy") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<textbox dec_q6> / caption = "When you were evaluating the shortlisted candidate from the previous page where their CV was shown, what thoughts occurred to you? How did you arrive at your conclusions? Please write 1-2 sentences." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (50, 10) </textbox>
<surveypage dec1> / questions = [ 1=dec_q1; 2=dec_q2 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec2> / questions = [ 1=dec_q3; 2=dec_q4 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec3> / questions = [ 1=dec_q5 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec4> / questions = [ 1=dec_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block decision> / trials = [ 1=dec1; 2=dec2; 3=dec3; 4=dec4 ] </block>
// BLOCK 4 // end <radiobuttons end_q1> / caption = "What is your gender?" / options = ("Female", "Male", "Non-binary") / other = "Other" </radiobuttons>
<textbox end_q2> / caption = "What is your age (type a number only)?" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (7, 110) </textbox>
<checkboxes end_q3> / caption = "What is your racial and ethnic group (please select all that apply)?" / options = ("White", "Black or African American", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander") / other = "Other" </checkboxes>
<radiobuttons end_q4> / caption = "What is the highest education that you have received?" / options = ( "Less than high school", "High school", "Incomplete college", "Associate's degree (AA)", "Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, BBA)", "Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA)", "Doctor's degree (Ph.D, JD, MD)" ) </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q5> / caption = "How would you describe your social class?" / options = ("Working class/Lower class", "Lower-middle class", "Middle class", "Upper-middle class", "Upper class") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q6> / caption = "What was your annual / yearly household income (before taxes) for the year 2022?" / options = ( "$0 to $15,000", "$15,001 to $25,000", "$25,001 to $35,000", "$35,001 to $50,000", "$50,001 to $75,000", "$75,001 to $100,000", "$100,001 to $150,000", "$150,001 to $200,000", "Above $200,000" ) </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q7> / caption = "What is your party affiliation?" / options = ("Republican", "Democrat", "Independent", "None") / other = "Other (please specify)" / orientation = horizontal </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q8> / caption = "What is your political orientation?" / options = ("Strongly Republican", "Moderately Republican", "Somewhat Republican", "Neutral", "Somewhat Democrat", "Moderately Democrat", "Strongly Democrat") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q9> / caption = "What is your political orientation?" / options = ("Strongly Conservative", "Moderately Conservative", "Somewhat Conservative", "Neutral", "Somewhat Liberal", "Moderately Liberal", "Strongly Liberal") </radiobuttons>
<surveypage end> / caption = "Please provide responses to some background questions. Your responses are confidential." / questions = [ 1=end_q1; 2=end_q2; 3=end_q3; 4=end_q4; 5=end_q5; 6=end_q6; 7=end_q7; 8=end_q8; 9=end_q9 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block end> / trials = [ 1=end ] </block>
<expt simhire6> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=random(blacksim, whitesim, blackqual, whitequal); 3=decision; 4=end] </expt>
<values> / condition = ""
/ blacksim1_ability = "n/a" / blacksim1_quality = "n/a" / blacksim1_fitness = "n/a" / blacksim1_latency = "n/a" / blacksim2_ability = "n/a" / blacksim2_quality = "n/a" / blacksim2_fitness = "n/a" / blacksim2_latency = "n/a"
/ whitesim1_ability = "n/a" / whitesim1_quality = "n/a" / whitesim1_fitness = "n/a" / whitesim1_latency = "n/a" / whitesim2_ability = "n/a" / whitesim2_quality = "n/a" / whitesim2_fitness = "n/a" / whitesim2_latency = "n/a"
/ blackqual_ability = "n/a" / blackqual_quality = "n/a" / blackqual_fitness = "n/a" / blackqual_latency = "n/a"
/ whitequal_ability = "n/a" / whitequal_quality = "n/a" / whitequal_fitness = "n/a" / whitequal_latency = "n/a" </values>
Hi, Dave, Thanks for your help last time. And I have a couple of new questions. Is there a way to make the sliders longer? Also, can we set it up so that participants are required to complete the slider questions? It seems they can currently skip them. Thanks! > Is there a way to make the sliders longer? Yes, by specifying the desired /slidersize.> Also, can we set it up so that participants are required to complete the slider questions? Yes, by setting /required=true in the <slider> elements.<slider example> / caption = "Example Slider" / labels = ("left", "middle", "right") / required = true / slidersize = (90%, 10%) / range = (1,100) </slider> Thanks again for your help last time! I posted the survey last week, and I’d like to improve a few things. In this experiment, participants read the CVs on one page and then answer questions on the next page. However, because the CVs contain quite a bit of content, participants are having difficulty remembering the details, which makes it challenging for them to answer the questions accurately. I tried adding '/showbackbutton = true,' but it didn't work. Since we also want to record their response times, I think the back button might not be the best option. I’m considering displaying the CVs and the questions on the same page or perhaps adding three buttons that participants can click to view each corresponding picture on the next page. Are there any possible ways? Additionally, some participants mentioned that they spent some time reading the CV page, but it automatically moved on. I don’t think I setting a time limit for the page—could you help with this? Due to some measurement privacy concerns, I’d like to share the entire script with you directly to better test it. Thanks again! (1) Backnavigation is only possible in <survey> elements, not <block> elements. (2) You can of course present questions on the same surveypages that contain the CV text. Use the page's /questions attribute and the questions' /position attriutes to place them in the desired location (underneath the CV text, I assume). (3) You have/ timeout = 50000 specified in your surveypages, so of course they'll move on automatically after 50 seconds. That is what you instructed the script to do. Hi, Dave Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve modified accordingly. I’ve now adjusted the settings so that the CV page is shown first, and then the second page displays both the CV and the questions. But there’s a small issue—the ‘continue’ button is overlapping with the last question instead of being placed underneath it, which makes it a bit awkward and difficult to navigate to the next page. I’m wondering if it’s possible to have the ‘continue’ button adjust its position based on the placement of the last question. I tried adding a text called ‘next_page’ and placing it below the last question, but it didn’t seem to change the ‘continue’ button position. Do you have any ideas on how to resolve this? I’ve sent the code in message to you for reference. Thanks again for your help! I would recommend you specify the navigation button's desired position explicitly.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10,
Visits: 29
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHi, there After each survey completion, I receive two types of files: a detailed file that includes all the necessary data, and a summary file that unfortunately lacks some details. Specifically, the summary files omit crucial information such as response times, condition assignments, and three specific responses from the "similar" condition. Moreover, these files are generated individually for each participant rather than providing a comprehensive summary for all participants. Is there a way to address these two issues? Thank you!!!! // DEFAULTS <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4, 3) / inputdevice = mouse </defaults> <summarydata> / columns = (script.startDate, script.startTime, script.subjectId, script.groupId, script.sessionId, script.elapsedTime, script.completed, script.trialcount, //individual responses slider.eval_slider_q1.response, slider.eval_slider_q2.response, slider.eval_slider_q3.response, slider.eval_slider_q4.response, slider.eval_slider_q5.response, slider.eval_slider_q6.response, slider.dec_q1.response, slider.dec_q2.response, checkboxes.dec_q3.response, checkboxes.dec_q4.response, slider.dec_q5.response, textbox.dec_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q1.response, textbox.end_q2.response, checkboxes.end_q3.response, radiobuttons.end_q4.response, radiobuttons.end_q5.response, radiobuttons.end_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q7.response, radiobuttons.end_q8.response, radiobuttons.end_q9.response) </summarydata> // ELEMENTS TO BE USED FOR LATER <page quality_opening> <br><br><br><br><br> <u><b>Background </page> <page similarity_opening> <u><b>Background Please carefully review their profiles. </page> <surveypage whiteinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions.<b>Your shortlisted candidate is A</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <surveypage blackinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions. <b>Your shortlisted candidate is B</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage> <text shortlisted> / items = ("<b>Shortlisted Candidate</b>") / position = (87%, 21%) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </text> <picture bad> / items = ("1.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 50% / size = (700, 700) </picture> <picture good> / items = ("2.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 15% / size = (700, 700) </picture> <slider eval_slider_q1> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q2> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q3> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q4> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q5> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider eval_slider_q6> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> // BLOCK 1 // intro <checkboxes consent_q> / caption = "Consent *DESCRIPTION*: You are invited to participate in a research study. / options = ("I understand the information above and agree to participate in the survey.") </checkboxes> <page welcome> Welcome to the study! </page> <surveypage consentform> / questions = [ 1=consent_q ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block intro> / trials = [ 1=consentform ] / postinstructions = (welcome) </block> // BLOCK 2a // blacksim <surveypage blacksim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <surveypage blacksim2> / caption = ("Question") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block blacksim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blacksim1; 3=blacksim2 ] </block> // BLOCK 2b // whitesim <surveypage whitesim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <surveypage whitesim2> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block whitesim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitesim1; 3=whitesim2 ] </block> // BLOCK 2c // blackqual <surveypage blackqual> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block blackqual> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blackqual ] </block> // BLOCK 2d // whitequal <surveypage whitequal> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block whitequal> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitequal ] </block> // BLOCK 3 // decision <slider dec_q1> / caption = "Question1 " / labels=("Definitely no", "Definitely yes") / range = (0, 100) / linelength = 80 / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <slider dec_q2> / caption = "Question2?" / labels=("Not at all", "Extremely") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <checkboxes dec_q3> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously top employee?" / options = ( "Less than 50% of the salary of a previously top employee", "50% to 60% of the salary of a previously top employee" ) </checkboxes> <checkboxes dec_q4> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously bottom-line employee?" / options = ( "Less than 80% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee" ) </checkboxes> <slider dec_q5> / caption = "How easy or difficult was the hiring task that you just completed?" / labels=("Extremely difficult", "Extremely easy") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider> <textbox dec_q6> / caption = "Please write 1-2 sentences." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (50, 10) </textbox> <surveypage dec1> / questions = [ 1=dec_q1; 2=dec_q2 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec2> / questions = [ 1=dec_q3; 2=dec_q4 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec3> / questions = [ 1=dec_q5 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage> <surveypage dec4> / questions = [ 1=dec_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block decision> / trials = [ 1=dec1; 2=dec2; 3=dec3; 4=dec4 ] </block> <surveypage end> / caption = "Please provide responses to some background questions. Your responses are confidential." / questions = [ 1=end_q1; 2=end_q2; 3=end_q3; 4=end_q4; 5=end_q5; 6=end_q6; 7=end_q7; 8=end_q8; 9=end_q9 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage> <block end> / trials = [ 1=end ] </block> <expt simhire6> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=random(blacksim, whitesim, blackqual, whitequal); 3=decision; 4=end] </expt> The code is incomplete and has various mistakes on top. Please provide complete and working code. Further, summary data writes out a single-row summary. If you want separate variables per condition, you need to either store these in separate variables and log these variables or you must avoid re-using the same question elements in different conditions (i.e. instead define one set of question elements per condition, log these). If you want latencies logged, log the respective surveypage elements' latency properties. There are no per-question latencies, since questions on the same page can be answered in any order, participants can go back and forth between questions and change responses, etc. The latency is the time at which the entire page is submitted. You can set /separatefiles = false in <summarydata>, then all participants' data collected on the same machine with Inquisit Lab will go into a single summary data file. There is no problem with having separate files, however, and I would recommend sticking with separate files. You can always merge them later. // DEFAULTS <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4, 3) / inputdevice = mouse </defaults>
<summarydata> / columns = (script.startDate, script.startTime, script.subjectId, script.groupId, script.sessionId, script.elapsedTime, script.completed, script.trialcount, values.condition, //individual responses values.blacksim1_ability, values.blacksim1_quality, values.blacksim1_fitness, values.blacksim1_latency, values.blacksim2_ability, values.blacksim2_quality, values.blacksim2_fitness, values.blacksim2_latency,
values.whitesim1_ability, values.whitesim1_quality, values.whitesim1_fitness, values.whitesim1_latency, values.whitesim2_ability, values.whitesim2_quality, values.whitesim2_fitness, values.whitesim2_latency,
values.blackqual_ability, values.blackqual_quality, values.blackqual_fitness, values.blackqual_latency,
values.whitequal_ability, values.whitequal_quality, values.whitequal_fitness, values.whitequal_latency,
slider.dec_q1.response, slider.dec_q2.response, surveypage.dec1.latency, checkboxes.dec_q3.response, checkboxes.dec_q4.response, surveypage.dec2.latency, slider.dec_q5.response, surveypage.dec3.latency, textbox.dec_q6.response surveypage.dec4.latency, radiobuttons.end_q1.response, textbox.end_q2.response, checkboxes.end_q3.response, radiobuttons.end_q4.response, radiobuttons.end_q5.response, radiobuttons.end_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q7.response, radiobuttons.end_q8.response, radiobuttons.end_q9.response, surveypage.end.latency) / separatefiles = false </summarydata>
// ELEMENTS TO BE USED FOR LATER <page quality_opening> <br><br><br><br><br> <u><b>Background and Job Description</b></u><br><br>
"Hometown Groceries," a small family-owned grocery store, is navigating a competitive market increasingly influenced by AI and data analytics. The owners, understanding the potential of these technologies for personalized customer service and optimized operations, have decided to <u><b>hire a specialist with a background in AI, data analytics, and leadership</u></b>.<br><br>
As the HR person for Hometown Groceries, you are tasked with finding the right candidate. You understand that this person needs to not only integrate these technologies into the business, but also manage this transition smoothly, ensuring the team adapts effectively. You have decided to focus on <u><b>five dimensions to evaluate the candidates</u></b>: Career objective, educational background, work experience, technical skills, and professional achievements.
<page similarity_opening> <u><b>Background and Job Description</b></u><br><br>
"Hometown Groceries," a small family-owned grocery store, is navigating a competitive market increasingly influenced by AI and data analytics. The owners, understanding the potential of these technologies for personalized customer service and optimized operations, have decided to <u><b>hire a specialist with a background in AI, data analytics, and leadership</u></b>.<br><br>
As the HR person for Hometown Groceries, you are tasked with finding the right candidate. You understand that this person needs to not only integrate these technologies into the business, but also manage this transition smoothly, ensuring the team adapts effectively. You have decided to focus on <u><b>five dimensions to evaluate the candidates</u></b>: Career objective, educational background, work experience, technical skills, and professional achievements.<br><br>
To assist you in this hiring task, you reach out to your counterpart at "Neighborhood Market," a similar business that recently went through the same process. The HR person at Neighborhood Market shares with you <u><b>two candidates they previously hired</u></b>. Armed with these examples, you now have a clearer picture of what to look for in candidates.<br><br>
<u><b>The resumes of both example employees</u></b> from "Neighborhood Market" <u><b>and your shortlisted candidate</u></b> will be presented to you on the next page. The information shows their relevant qualifications in the five dimensions you will consider.<br><br>
Please carefully review their profiles. </page>
<surveypage whiteinfo> / caption = "Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions.<b>Your shortlisted candidate is A</b>." / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blackinfo> / caption = "Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions. <b>Your shortlisted candidate is B</b>." / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<text shortlisted> / items = ("<b>Shortlisted Candidate</b>") / position = (87%, 21%) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<picture bad> / items = ("1.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 50% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture good> / items = ("2.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 15% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture middleblack> / items = ("middle_black.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 85% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture middlewhite> / items = ("middle_white.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 85% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<slider eval_slider_q1> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q2> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q3> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q4> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q5> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q6> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
// BLOCK 1 // intro <checkboxes consent_q> / caption = "Consent
*DESCRIPTION*: You are invited to participate in a research study. The purpose of the study is to understand people’s attitudes and experiences in daily life consumption settings. You will be asked to read a little and write a little about your attitudes and behaviors related to consumption. You will also be asked to answer multiple-choice type questions about your current behaviors in general. Participation in this research is voluntary, and you are free to withdraw your consent at any time. Participants will not be compensated if they do not meet eligibility criteria (i.e., not being willing to take typing tasks or have taken the study before).
*TIME INVOLVEMENT*: Your participation will take approximately 6 minutes.
*PAYMENTS*: You will receive $1.2 as payment for your participation.
*PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY*: Your individual privacy will be maintained during the research and in all published and written data resulting from the study.
*COVID-19 POLICY*: If you are coming in-person to research visits, you are required to be fully vaccinated—2 doses (1 for Johnson and Johnson), 2 weeks out and to provide proof of your vaccination (e.g., CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Card, e-Health record, etc.) to the researcher prior to study participation. Alternatively, you can provide a negative COVID test within 72 hours of your visit.
Please save or print a copy of this page for your records." / options = ("I understand the information above and agree to participate in the survey.") </checkboxes>
<page welcome>
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Welcome to the study!
^^In this survey, you'll take on the role of a hiring manager tasked with evaluating job candidates. We appreciate your thoughtful decisions as you navigate this process.
<surveypage consentform> / questions = [ 1=consent_q ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block intro> / trials = [ 1=consentform ] / postinstructions = (welcome) </block>
// BLOCK 2a // blacksim
<surveypage blacksim1> / ontrialend = [ values.blacksim1_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.blacksim1_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.blacksim1_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.blacksim1_latency = surveypage.blacksim1.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>David Williams</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blacksim2> / ontrialend = [ values.blacksim2_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.blacksim2_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.blacksim2_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.blacksim2_latency = surveypage.blacksim2.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>James Smith</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blacksim> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "blacksim"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blacksim1; 3=blacksim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2b // whitesim <surveypage whitesim1> / ontrialend = [ values.whitesim1_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.whitesim1_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.whitesim1_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.whitesim1_latency = surveypage.whitesim1.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>David Williams</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage whitesim2> / ontrialend = [ values.whitesim2_ability = slider.eval_slider_q1.response; values.whitesim2_quality = slider.eval_slider_q2.response; values.whitesim2_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q3.response; values.whitesim2_latency = surveypage.whitesim2.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>similarity</b> between <b>James Smith</b> and your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitesim> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "whitesim"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitesim1; 3=whitesim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2c // blackqual <surveypage blackqual> / ontrialend = [ values.blackqual_ability = slider.eval_slider_q4.response; values.blackqual_quality = slider.eval_slider_q5.response; values.blackqual_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q6.response; values.blackqual_latency = surveypage.blackqual.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>quality</b> of your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blackqual> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "blackqual"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blackqual ] </block>
// BLOCK 2d // whitequal <surveypage whitequal> / ontrialend = [ values.whitequal_ability = slider.eval_slider_q4.response; values.whitequal_quality = slider.eval_slider_q5.response; values.whitequal_fitness = slider.eval_slider_q6.response; values.whitequal_latency = surveypage.whitequal.latency; ] / caption = "Please rate the <b>quality</b> of your shortlisted candidate in terms of their match with the position." / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitequal> / onblockbegin = [ values.condition = "whitequal"; ] / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitequal ] </block>
// BLOCK 3 // decision <slider dec_q1> / caption = "How likely are you to hire your shortlisted candidate? " / labels=("Definitely no", "Definitely yes") / range = (0, 100) / linelength = 80 / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider dec_q2> / caption = "How confident would you be with the decision?" / labels=("Not at all confident", "Extremely confident") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<checkboxes dec_q3> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously top employee?" / options = ( "Less than 50% of the salary of a previously top employee", "50% to 60% of the salary of a previously top employee", "60% to 70% of the salary of a previously top employee", "70% to 80% of the salary of a previously top employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously top employee", "90% to 100% of the salary of a previously top employee", "100% to 110% of the salary of a previously top employee", "110% to 120% of the salary of a previously top employee", "More than 120% of the salary of a previously top employee" ) </checkboxes>
<checkboxes dec_q4> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously bottom-line employee?" / options = ( "Less than 80% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "90% to 100% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "100% to 110% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "110% to 120% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "20% to 130% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "130% to 140% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "140% to 150% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "More than 150% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee" ) </checkboxes>
<slider dec_q5> / caption = "How easy or difficult was the hiring task that you just completed?" / labels=("Extremely difficult", "Extremely easy") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<textbox dec_q6> / caption = "When you were evaluating the shortlisted candidate from the previous page where their CV was shown, what thoughts occurred to you? How did you arrive at your conclusions? Please write 1-2 sentences." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (50, 10) </textbox>
<surveypage dec1> / questions = [ 1=dec_q1; 2=dec_q2 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec2> / questions = [ 1=dec_q3; 2=dec_q4 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec3> / questions = [ 1=dec_q5 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec4> / questions = [ 1=dec_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block decision> / trials = [ 1=dec1; 2=dec2; 3=dec3; 4=dec4 ] </block>
// BLOCK 4 // end <radiobuttons end_q1> / caption = "What is your gender?" / options = ("Female", "Male", "Non-binary") / other = "Other" </radiobuttons>
<textbox end_q2> / caption = "What is your age (type a number only)?" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (7, 110) </textbox>
<checkboxes end_q3> / caption = "What is your racial and ethnic group (please select all that apply)?" / options = ("White", "Black or African American", "American Indian or Alaska Native", "Asian", "Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander") / other = "Other" </checkboxes>
<radiobuttons end_q4> / caption = "What is the highest education that you have received?" / options = ( "Less than high school", "High school", "Incomplete college", "Associate's degree (AA)", "Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, BBA)", "Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA)", "Doctor's degree (Ph.D, JD, MD)" ) </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q5> / caption = "How would you describe your social class?" / options = ("Working class/Lower class", "Lower-middle class", "Middle class", "Upper-middle class", "Upper class") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q6> / caption = "What was your annual / yearly household income (before taxes) for the year 2022?" / options = ( "$0 to $15,000", "$15,001 to $25,000", "$25,001 to $35,000", "$35,001 to $50,000", "$50,001 to $75,000", "$75,001 to $100,000", "$100,001 to $150,000", "$150,001 to $200,000", "Above $200,000" ) </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q7> / caption = "What is your party affiliation?" / options = ("Republican", "Democrat", "Independent", "None") / other = "Other (please specify)" / orientation = horizontal </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q8> / caption = "What is your political orientation?" / options = ("Strongly Republican", "Moderately Republican", "Somewhat Republican", "Neutral", "Somewhat Democrat", "Moderately Democrat", "Strongly Democrat") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons end_q9> / caption = "What is your political orientation?" / options = ("Strongly Conservative", "Moderately Conservative", "Somewhat Conservative", "Neutral", "Somewhat Liberal", "Moderately Liberal", "Strongly Liberal") </radiobuttons>
<surveypage end> / caption = "Please provide responses to some background questions. Your responses are confidential." / questions = [ 1=end_q1; 2=end_q2; 3=end_q3; 4=end_q4; 5=end_q5; 6=end_q6; 7=end_q7; 8=end_q8; 9=end_q9 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block end> / trials = [ 1=end ] </block>
<expt simhire6> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=random(blacksim, whitesim, blackqual, whitequal); 3=decision; 4=end] </expt>
<values> / condition = ""
/ blacksim1_ability = "n/a" / blacksim1_quality = "n/a" / blacksim1_fitness = "n/a" / blacksim1_latency = "n/a" / blacksim2_ability = "n/a" / blacksim2_quality = "n/a" / blacksim2_fitness = "n/a" / blacksim2_latency = "n/a"
/ whitesim1_ability = "n/a" / whitesim1_quality = "n/a" / whitesim1_fitness = "n/a" / whitesim1_latency = "n/a" / whitesim2_ability = "n/a" / whitesim2_quality = "n/a" / whitesim2_fitness = "n/a" / whitesim2_latency = "n/a"
/ blackqual_ability = "n/a" / blackqual_quality = "n/a" / blackqual_fitness = "n/a" / blackqual_latency = "n/a"
/ whitequal_ability = "n/a" / whitequal_quality = "n/a" / whitequal_fitness = "n/a" / whitequal_latency = "n/a" </values>
Hi, Dave, Thanks for your help last time. And I have a couple of new questions. Is there a way to make the sliders longer? Also, can we set it up so that participants are required to complete the slider questions? It seems they can currently skip them. Thanks! > Is there a way to make the sliders longer? Yes, by specifying the desired /slidersize.> Also, can we set it up so that participants are required to complete the slider questions? Yes, by setting /required=true in the <slider> elements.<slider example> / caption = "Example Slider" / labels = ("left", "middle", "right") / required = true / slidersize = (90%, 10%) / range = (1,100) </slider> Thanks again for your help last time! I posted the survey last week, and I’d like to improve a few things. In this experiment, participants read the CVs on one page and then answer questions on the next page. However, because the CVs contain quite a bit of content, participants are having difficulty remembering the details, which makes it challenging for them to answer the questions accurately. I tried adding '/showbackbutton = true,' but it didn't work. Since we also want to record their response times, I think the back button might not be the best option. I’m considering displaying the CVs and the questions on the same page or perhaps adding three buttons that participants can click to view each corresponding picture on the next page. Are there any possible ways? Additionally, some participants mentioned that they spent some time reading the CV page, but it automatically moved on. I don’t think I setting a time limit for the page—could you help with this? Due to some measurement privacy concerns, I’d like to share the entire script with you directly to better test it. Thanks again! (1) Backnavigation is only possible in <survey> elements, not <block> elements. (2) You can of course present questions on the same surveypages that contain the CV text. Use the page's /questions attribute and the questions' /position attriutes to place them in the desired location (underneath the CV text, I assume). (3) You have/ timeout = 50000 specified in your surveypages, so of course they'll move on automatically after 50 seconds. That is what you instructed the script to do. Hi, Dave Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve modified accordingly. I’ve now adjusted the settings so that the CV page is shown first, and then the second page displays both the CV and the questions. But there’s a small issue—the ‘continue’ button is overlapping with the last question instead of being placed underneath it, which makes it a bit awkward and difficult to navigate to the next page. I’m wondering if it’s possible to have the ‘continue’ button adjust its position based on the placement of the last question. I tried adding a text called ‘next_page’ and placing it below the last question, but it didn’t seem to change the ‘continue’ button position. Do you have any ideas on how to resolve this? I’ve sent the code in message to you for reference. Thanks again for your help! I would recommend you specify the navigation button's desired position explicitly. Thanks!!! Everything figured out.