Group: Forum Members
Posts: 10,
Visits: 29
Hi, there After each survey completion, I receive two types of files: a detailed file that includes all the necessary data, and a summary file that unfortunately lacks some details. Specifically, the summary files omit crucial information such as response times, condition assignments, and three specific responses from the "similar" condition. Moreover, these files are generated individually for each participant rather than providing a comprehensive summary for all participants. Is there a way to address these two issues?
Thank you!!!!
// DEFAULTS <defaults> / canvasaspectratio = (4, 3) / inputdevice = mouse </defaults>
<summarydata> / columns = (script.startDate, script.startTime, script.subjectId, script.groupId, script.sessionId, script.elapsedTime, script.completed, script.trialcount,
//individual responses slider.eval_slider_q1.response, slider.eval_slider_q2.response, slider.eval_slider_q3.response, slider.eval_slider_q4.response, slider.eval_slider_q5.response, slider.eval_slider_q6.response, slider.dec_q1.response, slider.dec_q2.response, checkboxes.dec_q3.response, checkboxes.dec_q4.response, slider.dec_q5.response, textbox.dec_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q1.response, textbox.end_q2.response, checkboxes.end_q3.response, radiobuttons.end_q4.response, radiobuttons.end_q5.response, radiobuttons.end_q6.response, radiobuttons.end_q7.response, radiobuttons.end_q8.response, radiobuttons.end_q9.response) </summarydata>
<page quality_opening> <br><br><br><br><br> <u><b>Background
<page similarity_opening> <u><b>Background
Please carefully review their profiles. </page>
<surveypage whiteinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions.<b>Your shortlisted candidate is A</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blackinfo> / caption = ("Please read the profiles of the <b>two example employees</b> previously hired for a related role. Then, evaluate your shortlisted candidate by answering the following questions. <b>Your shortlisted candidate is B</b>.") / stimulusframes = [1=good; 2=bad] / timeout = 50000 / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = false </surveypage>
<text shortlisted> / items = ("<b>Shortlisted Candidate</b>") / position = (87%, 21%) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </text>
<picture bad> / items = ("1.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 50% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<picture good> / items = ("2.png") / vposition = 61% / hposition = 15% / size = (700, 700) </picture>
<slider eval_slider_q1> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q2> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q3> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very dissimilar", "Neutral", "Very similar") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q4> / caption = "Ability to do well" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q5> / caption = "Quality" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider eval_slider_q6> / caption = "Fit for the job" / labels=("Very negative", "Neutral", "Very positive") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
// BLOCK 1 // intro
<checkboxes consent_q> / caption = "Consent
*DESCRIPTION*: You are invited to participate in a research study.
/ options = ("I understand the information above and agree to participate in the survey.") </checkboxes>
<page welcome> Welcome to the study!
<surveypage consentform> / questions = [ 1=consent_q ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block intro> / trials = [ 1=consentform ] / postinstructions = (welcome) </block>
// BLOCK 2a // blacksim
<surveypage blacksim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage blacksim2> / caption = ("Question") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blacksim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blacksim1; 3=blacksim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2b // whitesim
<surveypage whitesim1> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage whitesim2> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q1; 2=eval_slider_q2; 3=eval_slider_q3 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitesim> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitesim1; 3=whitesim2 ] </block>
// BLOCK 2c // blackqual
<surveypage blackqual> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block blackqual> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=blackinfo; 2=blackqual ] </block>
// BLOCK 2d // whitequal
<surveypage whitequal> / caption = ("Question.") / questions = [ 1=eval_slider_q4; 2=eval_slider_q5; 3=eval_slider_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block whitequal> / preinstructions = (quality_opening) / preinstructions = (similarity_opening) / trials = [ 1=whiteinfo; 2=whitequal ] </block>
// BLOCK 3 // decision
<slider dec_q1> / caption = "Question1 " / labels=("Definitely no", "Definitely yes") / range = (0, 100) / linelength = 80 / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<slider dec_q2> / caption = "Question2?" / labels=("Not at all", "Extremely") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<checkboxes dec_q3> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously top employee?" / options = ( "Less than 50% of the salary of a previously top employee", "50% to 60% of the salary of a previously top employee" ) </checkboxes>
<checkboxes dec_q4> / caption = "If you end up hiring your shortlisted candidate, how much would you be willing to pay, compared to a previously bottom-line employee?" / options = ( "Less than 80% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee", "80% to 90% of the salary of a previously bottom-line employee" ) </checkboxes>
<slider dec_q5> / caption = "How easy or difficult was the hiring task that you just completed?" / labels=("Extremely difficult", "Extremely easy") / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = false </slider>
<textbox dec_q6> / caption = "Please write 1-2 sentences." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (50, 10) </textbox>
<surveypage dec1> / questions = [ 1=dec_q1; 2=dec_q2 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec2> / questions = [ 1=dec_q3; 2=dec_q4 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec3> / questions = [ 1=dec_q5 ] / showpagenumbers = false / showbackbutton = true </surveypage>
<surveypage dec4> / questions = [ 1=dec_q6 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block decision> / trials = [ 1=dec1; 2=dec2; 3=dec3; 4=dec4 ] </block>
<surveypage end> / caption = "Please provide responses to some background questions. Your responses are confidential." / questions = [ 1=end_q1; 2=end_q2; 3=end_q3; 4=end_q4; 5=end_q5; 6=end_q6; 7=end_q7; 8=end_q8; 9=end_q9 ] / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<block end> / trials = [ 1=end ] </block>
<expt simhire6> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=random(blacksim, whitesim, blackqual, whitequal); 3=decision; 4=end] </expt>