How to insert a sound and a clickable button to survey?

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Hi, I am creating a survey. What I want is like below.

The participant clicks the "PLAY" button, a sound will be played, and the participant will evaluate it using a 7-point scale.
I have already used radio buttons to create the 7-point scale as shown below. However, I could not insert a sound or a clickable button here. Could I get some advice?
<radiobuttons q1>
/ caption = "1. "
/ options = ("非常に<br>遅い", "かなり<br>遅い", "やや<br>遅い", "どちらでもない", "やや<br>速い", "かなり<br>速い", "非常に<br>速い")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","7")
/ required = true
/ orientation = horizontalequal

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AmyLiang - 7/22/2024
Hi, I am creating a survey. What I want is like below.

The participant clicks the "PLAY" button, a sound will be played, and the participant will evaluate it using a 7-point scale.
I have already used radio buttons to create the 7-point scale as shown below. However, I could not insert a sound or a clickable button here. Could I get some advice?
<radiobuttons q1>
/ caption = "1. "
/ options = ("非常に<br>遅い", "かなり<br>遅い", "やや<br>遅い", "どちらでもない", "やや<br>速い", "かなり<br>速い", "非常に<br>速い")
/ optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6","7")
/ required = true
/ orientation = horizontalequal

That is not possible with surveypages and radiobuttons. You'll have to build this using standard <trial> etc. elements.

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