Need help with data record

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 37
Hi, my script is as below.

    / screencolor = black
    / txbgcolor = black
    / txcolor = white
    / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)
    / canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

<item Instruction_Speed>
    /1 = "会話の録音を聞いて頂きます。"
    /2 = "その録音の発話スピードに関して、

<text Instruction_Speed>
    /items = Instruction_Speed
    /hjustify = center
    /size = (90%, 60%)
    /position = (50%, 85%)
    /valign = bottom
    /select = sequence

<text Spacebar>
    / items = ("スペースキーを押して、続けてください。")    
    / position = (50%, 95%)
    / valign = bottom

<trial Instruction>
    / stimulustimes = [1 = Instruction_Speed, Spacebar]
    / correctresponse = (" ")
    / errormessage = false
    / recorddata = false

<text Rest>
    / items = ("しばらく休んでください。")
    /hjustify = center
    /size = (90%, 60%)
    /position = (50%, 85%)
    /valign = bottom

<trial Rest>
    / stimulustimes = [1= Rest, Spacebar]
    / correctresponse = (" ")
    / errormessage = false
    / recorddata = false

<sound Sample>
/ items = ("K010_016_107.wav")
/ items = ("T021_005_108.wav")
/ items = ("T013_006_116.wav")
/ items = ("K003_008_118.wav")
/ items = ("T008_005_129.wav")
/ items = ("T020_007_134.wav")
/ select = noreplacenorepeat
/ playthrough = true
<item Number>
/1 = "1番"

<text Number>
    /items = Number
    /position = (50%, 50%)
    /fontstyle = ("Arial", 15%, true)
    /select = sequence

<text Blank>
    /items = (" ")
    /position = (50%, 50%)
    /fontstyle = ("Arial", 50%, true)

<picture scale>
    / items = ("A01_scale.jpg")
    / position = (50%, 50%)
    / size = (100%, 100%)

<trial speed>
/pretrialpause = 1000
/posttrialpause = 2000
/stimulustimes = [0 = text.Number; 1000 = text.Blank, sound.Sample, picture.scale]
/inputdevice = keyboard
/validresponse = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/recorddata = true

<block Speed1>
/ trials = [1-2=sequence(Instruction); 3-4 = random (trial.speed); 5=Rest]
/ recorddata = true

<block Speed2>
/ trials = [1-2 = random (trial.speed)]
/ recorddata = true

<expt Speed>
/ blocks = [1=Speed1;2=Speed2]
/ recorddata = true

/ columns = (date, time, group, subject, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, stimulusitem, stimulusitem, response, latency)

The script could be run without error. However, the data recorded  as below.

The recorded reponse is wrong. What I entered is "5, 7, 1, 3", while the recorde reponse is "6, 8, 2, 4".
Could I get some advise to fix this to the right record?


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AmyLiang - 3 Months Ago
AKrishna - 3 Months Ago
AmyLiang - 3 Months Ago
Dave - 3 Months Ago
                     Thank you. I will try this
AmyLiang - 3 Months Ago
AmyLiang - 2 Months Ago
AKrishna - 2 Months Ago
             Get it Done! OMG, Thank you so much!!
AmyLiang - 2 Months Ago

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