Inquisit on tablets is crashing without obvious reasons

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 9
Dear Inquisit Community,

we want to deploy a cognitive test battery via tablets.

The tests contain audio instructions using .mp3 files.

We have done this several times in the past so far and it has always worked without problems. Of course we have now adapted our programming, which is why we need to test it again.

Some basic information:

- The inquisit scripts are called by a batch (a total of 14 scripts)
- The test battery shall be made available on the tablets for offline use.
- All in all, a single test sessions lasts about 60min.
- We have tested the scripts extensively on our computers, everything works fine.
- We are using various kinds of tablets and both Android and iPadOS.

Right now, we wanted to start a testing phase switching from computers to our tablets, in order to make sure that everything works there as intended. We are right now using the online mode to run the tests.

However, we are currently experiencing repeated abortions of the test battery.

On Android tablets, it does not even finish the first script and aborts really early.
On iPads, the app once told us, that some „.mp3“ files would not be supported on this device and it stopped working during the third script. In another instance, I was able to get until script six and it was aborted afterwards.

The error messages typically are: „Inquisit encountered an error while executing script penguin_debug_v1“. without any further specifications. Once, the app just crashed, without any further notice.

Is there anything we can do about this? I am wondering whether we are asking too much of the app. All in all, our files amount to 66.3MB. We must ensure that the test battery does not get randomly aborted.

Here is the link to the test battery:

Any hints would be much appreciated!

In addition to that, I was wondering whether there is some AppConfig Profile available that would help us to make the tests offline available centrally (e.g. via a Configuration Profile of JAMF)



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