Counterbalancing with 8 different blocks

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 34
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to implement an experiment with 4 lists of 88 images each (1,1R,2,2R) and each list can have two different mappings (one finger in the right and one in the left, or vice versa). There are 8 different blocks in which I try to counterbalance the lists (e.g. block 1= list 1 mapping 1 + list 1R mapping 2; block 2= list 1 mapping 2 + list 1R mapping 1; block 3= list 1R mapping 1 + list 1 mapping 2; etc). The images are shown by the list sorting and cannot be repeated.
I've some issues with the implementation: the images don't follow the list sorting and only one trial is shown instead of 88. How can I fix it?
I tried to attach the ZIP file containing the complete code and the necessary images, but it's too large of a file to be uploaded here, so here is the link to a google drive folder (idk if there was a better way to share the code).
Thank you so much.

google drive folder

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