HTML Functionality in Inquisit 6

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Is it still the case that Inquisit is unable to run interactive HTMLs? My research involves an auditory IAT in which the participants need to be familiarized with the different auditory stimuli before they take the IAT. I created an HTML intro page in which participants are able to click on the sound stimuli to hear them repeatedly, but I get an 'InvalidStateError' when I try and run it inside Inquisit. Is there a workaround? Thanks in advance. 
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spencerj - 8/24/2024
Is it still the case that Inquisit is unable to run interactive HTMLs? My research involves an auditory IAT in which the participants need to be familiarized with the different auditory stimuli before they take the IAT. I created an HTML intro page in which participants are able to click on the sound stimuli to hear them repeatedly, but I get an 'InvalidStateError' when I try and run it inside Inquisit. Is there a workaround? Thanks in advance. 

For reference, I will be conducting my study on Inquisit Web
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spencerj - 8/25/2024
spencerj - 8/24/2024
Is it still the case that Inquisit is unable to run interactive HTMLs? My research involves an auditory IAT in which the participants need to be familiarized with the different auditory stimuli before they take the IAT. I created an HTML intro page in which participants are able to click on the sound stimuli to hear them repeatedly, but I get an 'InvalidStateError' when I try and run it inside Inquisit. Is there a workaround? Thanks in advance. 

For reference, I will be conducting my study on Inquisit Web

Yes, that is still the case. The solution is to not use HTML for this, but build the familiarization routine (participants can click and listen to audio stimuli repeatedly) with standard <trial>, <sound> or <video> elements in Inquisit syntax.

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