There's a certain program that it's ran on called Visual Studio, I think.
As far as I can see, the procedure is distributed by the author as a stand-alone application. FWIW, the software has been written in a programming language called VisualBasic -- by contrast, VisualStudio is the name of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which supports coding software in VisualBasic as well as a range of other programming languages (C, C#, C++, etc.). Since the procedure is available as a stand-alone application, you should be able to download the respective setup program from the author's site, install it and then use the program to set up and run the IRAP procedure.
I wanted to know if there was a way to run it on Inquisit?
You (or some other relatively proficient Inquisit coder) would have to "port" the procedure to Inquisit, i.e. translate it into Inquisit's own proprietary (scripting) language. The first thing to check is whether Inquisit's language meets all the task's procedural requirements. I haven't looked into this specifically (as I'm not overly interested in all these fashionable "implicit" methods), but upon first glance I think the procedure probably *could* be implemented with Inquisit. Good luck with this and let us know how you get along!
Best wishes from a fellow Inquisit user,