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Good morning, I will start with some general questions as I have no training in this and see if I can understand anything.
As with other example experiments, I now have to link my experiment in Inquisit to a /port = LPT ()
I have to define the markers which if I understand are associated with the stimuli. I have 24 visual stimuli of the same duration, 24 auditory stimuli of variable duration and 24 visual+auditory stimuli of variable duration.
The markers are numeric codes. 1. Are these numeric codes generated by software or do we write them manually? 2. Do I only have to define 48 markers and then the machine will take these to mark the visual+auditory stimuli? 3. What is a trigger?
Basically in the code I am looking at I have this information which I would like to understand the meaning of:
<data> values.startMarkerID, values.startMarker, values.faceMarker,...... </data>.
<trial debugTrial> / ontrialbegin = [ expressions.initTrialVariables; ] / stimulustimes=[ 0=debugValues; ] / validresponse = (" ") / beginresponsetime = 0 / recorddata = false / responseinterrupt = immediate </trial>
<trial fixation> / stimulustimes = [0 = fixation, trial_start_marker, pulse_trigger; 100 = fixation, reset_pulse, reset_marker;] / trialduration = (values.durationFixation) / showmousecursor = false / recorddata = false / branch = [trial.stim] </trial>
<trial stim> / stimulustimes = [0 = picStim, pic_marker, pulse_trigger; 100 = picStim, reset_pulse, reset_marker;] / trialduration = (5000) / showmousecursor = false / recorddata = false / branch = [trial.stim_offset] </trial>
<trial stim_offset> / stimulustimes = [0=blank, trial_end_marker, pulse_trigger; 100=blank, reset_pulse, reset_marker;] / trialduration = (500) //give extra time to make sure that trigger is reset / showmousecursor = false / recorddata = false / branch = [ if(values.trialType=="humanness"){ slidertrial.MH_resp }else if(values.trialType=="likability"){ slidertrial.lik_resp }else if(values.trialType=="viewing"){ trial.end_viewing_trial } ] </trial>
Thank you to those who will answer me to start asking more precise questions