Selecting and Randomly Presenting Stimuli with Fixed Names in Inquisit

Selecting and Randomly Presenting Stimuli with Fixed Names in Inquisit...
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Hello everyone,

I am encountering a challenge while coding a script in Inquisit and would appreciate your help.

In the "Mere Exposure1" section, I need to randomly select three stimuli from the `<item picitems1>` list, but they must have fixed names to facilitate data analysis later:
1. The first randomly selected stimulus should be named `"Exposed1stimulus"`.
2. The second randomly selected stimulus, distinct from the first, should be named `"Exposed2stimulus"`.
3. The third randomly selected stimulus, which should not have been selected in the first two, should be named `"NonExposedstimulus"`.

Then, these stimuli must be presented according to a specific protocol:
- `"Exposed1stimulus"` should be presented 10 times to participants.
- `"Exposed2stimulus"` should be presented 2 times.
- The order of these presentations must be randomized.

Finally, in a later phase, all three stimuli should be evaluated by participants in a Likert-type rating task, as defined in `<likert listimages1>`.

I have tried different approaches using `<values>` and `<expressions>`, but I have not been able to achieve the expected result. Do you have any suggestions on how to properly structure this selection and presentation in Inquisit?

Thank you very much for your help!

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TBParis - 3/19/2025
Hello everyone,

I am encountering a challenge while coding a script in Inquisit and would appreciate your help.

In the "Mere Exposure1" section, I need to randomly select three stimuli from the `<item picitems1>` list, but they must have fixed names to facilitate data analysis later:
1. The first randomly selected stimulus should be named `"Exposed1stimulus"`.
2. The second randomly selected stimulus, distinct from the first, should be named `"Exposed2stimulus"`.
3. The third randomly selected stimulus, which should not have been selected in the first two, should be named `"NonExposedstimulus"`.

Then, these stimuli must be presented according to a specific protocol:
- `"Exposed1stimulus"` should be presented 10 times to participants.
- `"Exposed2stimulus"` should be presented 2 times.
- The order of these presentations must be randomized.

Finally, in a later phase, all three stimuli should be evaluated by participants in a Likert-type rating task, as defined in `<likert listimages1>`.

I have tried different approaches using `<values>` and `<expressions>`, but I have not been able to achieve the expected result. Do you have any suggestions on how to properly structure this selection and presentation in Inquisit?

Thank you very much for your help!

Two trial elements exposed1 and exposed2 two picture elements exposed 1 and 2, presented by the exposed1 and exposed2 trial elements respectively. A block sampling the two trials randomly, 12 trials total, 5:1 trial ratio.

Items for the two picture elements selected using values from a list, set /onexptbegin.

The likert part analogously.
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Dave - 3/19/2025
TBParis - 3/19/2025
Hello everyone,

I am encountering a challenge while coding a script in Inquisit and would appreciate your help.

In the "Mere Exposure1" section, I need to randomly select three stimuli from the `<item picitems1>` list, but they must have fixed names to facilitate data analysis later:
1. The first randomly selected stimulus should be named `"Exposed1stimulus"`.
2. The second randomly selected stimulus, distinct from the first, should be named `"Exposed2stimulus"`.
3. The third randomly selected stimulus, which should not have been selected in the first two, should be named `"NonExposedstimulus"`.

Then, these stimuli must be presented according to a specific protocol:
- `"Exposed1stimulus"` should be presented 10 times to participants.
- `"Exposed2stimulus"` should be presented 2 times.
- The order of these presentations must be randomized.

Finally, in a later phase, all three stimuli should be evaluated by participants in a Likert-type rating task, as defined in `<likert listimages1>`.

I have tried different approaches using `<values>` and `<expressions>`, but I have not been able to achieve the expected result. Do you have any suggestions on how to properly structure this selection and presentation in Inquisit?

Thank you very much for your help!

Two trial elements exposed1 and exposed2 two picture elements exposed 1 and 2, presented by the exposed1 and exposed2 trial elements respectively. A block sampling the two trials randomly, 12 trials total, 5:1 trial ratio.

Items for the two picture elements selected using values from a list, set /onexptbegin.

The likert part analogously.

In a nutshell:

<item picitems1>
/ 1 = "cs1.bmp"
/ 2 = "cs3.bmp"
/ 3 = "cs4.bmp"
/ 4 = "cs5.bmp"
/ 5 = "cs6.bmp"
/ 6 = "cs7.bmp"

<list allItems>
/ poolsize = 6 // we have 6 items to choose from
/ selectionrate = always
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false

/ exposed1Item = 0 // item number of exposed 1 item chosen
/ exposed2Item = 0 // item number of exposed 2 item chosen

<expt a>
/ onexptbegin = [
    values.exposed1Item = list.allItems.nextindex; // pick item number for exposed 1
    values.exposed2Item = list.allItems.nextindex; // pick item number for exposed 2
/ blocks = [1=exampleBlock]

<block exampleBlock>
/ trials = [1-12 = noreplace(exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed2Stimulus)] // 12 trials, 5:1 ratio -> 10 exposed 1 trial, 2 exposed 2 trials in random order

<trial exposed1Stimulus>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearScreen, exposed1]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 2000
/ posttrialpause = 1000

<trial exposed2Stimulus>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearScreen, exposed2]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 2000
/ posttrialpause = 1000

<picture exposed1>
/ items = picitems1
/ select = values.exposed1Item

<picture exposed2>
/ items = picitems1
/ select = values.exposed2Item

New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)New Member (27 reputation)
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Posts: 4, Visits: 13
Dave - 3/19/2025
Dave - 3/19/2025
TBParis - 3/19/2025
Hello everyone,

I am encountering a challenge while coding a script in Inquisit and would appreciate your help.

In the "Mere Exposure1" section, I need to randomly select three stimuli from the `<item picitems1>` list, but they must have fixed names to facilitate data analysis later:
1. The first randomly selected stimulus should be named `"Exposed1stimulus"`.
2. The second randomly selected stimulus, distinct from the first, should be named `"Exposed2stimulus"`.
3. The third randomly selected stimulus, which should not have been selected in the first two, should be named `"NonExposedstimulus"`.

Then, these stimuli must be presented according to a specific protocol:
- `"Exposed1stimulus"` should be presented 10 times to participants.
- `"Exposed2stimulus"` should be presented 2 times.
- The order of these presentations must be randomized.

Finally, in a later phase, all three stimuli should be evaluated by participants in a Likert-type rating task, as defined in `<likert listimages1>`.

I have tried different approaches using `<values>` and `<expressions>`, but I have not been able to achieve the expected result. Do you have any suggestions on how to properly structure this selection and presentation in Inquisit?

Thank you very much for your help!

Two trial elements exposed1 and exposed2 two picture elements exposed 1 and 2, presented by the exposed1 and exposed2 trial elements respectively. A block sampling the two trials randomly, 12 trials total, 5:1 trial ratio.

Items for the two picture elements selected using values from a list, set /onexptbegin.

The likert part analogously.

In a nutshell:

<item picitems1>
/ 1 = "cs1.bmp"
/ 2 = "cs3.bmp"
/ 3 = "cs4.bmp"
/ 4 = "cs5.bmp"
/ 5 = "cs6.bmp"
/ 6 = "cs7.bmp"

<list allItems>
/ poolsize = 6 // we have 6 items to choose from
/ selectionrate = always
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false

/ exposed1Item = 0 // item number of exposed 1 item chosen
/ exposed2Item = 0 // item number of exposed 2 item chosen

<expt a>
/ onexptbegin = [
    values.exposed1Item = list.allItems.nextindex; // pick item number for exposed 1
    values.exposed2Item = list.allItems.nextindex; // pick item number for exposed 2
/ blocks = [1=exampleBlock]

<block exampleBlock>
/ trials = [1-12 = noreplace(exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed1Stimulus, exposed2Stimulus)] // 12 trials, 5:1 ratio -> 10 exposed 1 trial, 2 exposed 2 trials in random order

<trial exposed1Stimulus>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearScreen, exposed1]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 2000
/ posttrialpause = 1000

<trial exposed2Stimulus>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearScreen, exposed2]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = 2000
/ posttrialpause = 1000

<picture exposed1>
/ items = picitems1
/ select = values.exposed1Item

<picture exposed2>
/ items = picitems1
/ select = values.exposed2Item

Thank you very much for your help Dave !

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