Error 500 uploading files to Web-based script

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Hello --

I am registering my first Web script and seem to be unable to complete the registration. When I get to the screen that asks to upload all the files needed for the script, it gives me this error:

HTTP Error, '500' occurred.  Internal Server Error. Usually it means that receiving script have errors.
 Please see error code definitions for more information.    

But I don't understand why... the file is a simple batch file that launches three other sections of the survey, as follows:

* Root experiment -- complete experiment is launched here
* simple include of other 3 experiments

/ file="JoshGreen-pretest-revise.exp"
/ file="profiles10-revise.exp"
/ file="JoshGreen-IAT.exp"

Any ideas? All help would be appreciated.


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I would try stripping all special characters ('-', '_', ' ', etc.) from your scripts' filenames so that they consist only of letters and possibly numbers (web scripts*  tend to be thrown off by certain characters in filenames):

  • JoshGreen-pretest-revise.exp -> JoshGreenPretestRevise.exp

  • profiles10-revise.exp -> profiles10revise.exp

  • JoshGreen-IAT.exp -> JoshGreenIAT.exp

I'd do the same for any supporting files just in case (e.g. rename "my-little-pony.jpg" to "mylittlepony.jpg"). Don't forget to change your scripts' contents accordingly, e.g.

/ file="JoshGreenPretestRevise.exp"
/ file="JoshGreenIAT.exp"

Also note that lowercase and uppercase make a difference on the web, so make double-sure you have entered each file name in your scripts exactly as shown in Windows Explorer.

Hope this helps,


* Note that the term "script" does not refer to an Inquisit script here.

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Hi Dave --

I stripped out all the hyphens and lowercased all names for the .exp files, but I get the same error. Could it be a problem with the batch tag on the Web? If you have any other fixes please let me know. I changed the launching file "start" for simplicity.

The new start.exp is:

* Root experiment -- complete experiment is launched here
* simple include of other 3 experiments

/ file="pretest.exp"
/ file="posttest.exp"
/ file="iat.exp"


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Hmm, odd. I just uploaded several scripts to my Inquisit web account using Firefox (I also included a <batch> script), and the process went down smoothly for me. At least this can't be a general server-side issue then. What other files do your scripts need / use (e.g. picture files) and are there any 'odd' names for these? Also, you might want to empty your browser's cache before trying to re-upload your files -- there's a possibility that the upload page isn't properly reloaded. Your browser might show you the cached copy (which has the error message) instead of the real deal. Trying with a different browser altogether might also be worth a shot.

Keep me posted,


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I checked the server logs, and for some reason your login credentials aren't transmitted during the upload process so it is rejected. I've gotten occasional reports of this happening, but haven't quite figured out what the cause is.

Here are some things to try:

- Log out of, shut all instances of your browser down, then log in again and be sure to check the box to remember your credentials
- Clear your browser cache, as Dave suggested
- Try a different web browser (this always seems to work regardless of the browser, which supports Dave's guess that something in the cache is all kerfluffled).

Also, Dave's advice about stripping funny characters out of the file names is good. We do our best to strip out problematic characters automatically, but I'm sure there are some cases we do not catch. That said, it doesn't matter whether the file is named "batch.exp" or "start.exp" - any alphanumeric name is fine.


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Hi Sean and Dave --

Thanks as always for your lightning quick responses... Sean was right, it was some kind of cache problem. After shutting down the computer and trying again it worked (duh! first rule of computing is to shut down and try again, I just didn't think of it). It's possible that there was a problem because I changed my password when I logged in for the first time.

Just so I'm clear, is it true that I have to re-register the Web script each time I need to make a change in the code on a .exp file, or can I edit the .exp files already uploaded?I would prefer not to re-register since I have to keep the same launch page URL.

Thanks again,


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Cancel that last question, I see now that I just have to click the Script link and get to the Upload page to overwrite files.

Thanks guys!



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