I have a questionnaire, LDT and IAT that I want to run in the same experiment. How can I write the script so that the "data", "default", "trial instruction" and "item instruction" don't conflict with each other? Because right now when I try to run it, the error messages say that I have more than one of each, but I'm not sure how to solve that.
And it's also saying that "shape.line.width" is invalid when I try to run it. Not sure why.
Either use the <batch> element to run three separate scripts in sequence (http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v3/html/articles/batchscripts.htm) or follow the instructions given at http://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/v3/html/howto/multiplescripts.htm to merge all three procedures into a single file.
thanks a bunch dave! already fixed it.