Vertical refresh rate issues

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 1

Hi there,

I have a question about how inquisit deals with stimuli that are presented and then replaced within the timeframe of a single vertical refresh - I've had a quick look through the forums to see if anybody else has asked this but I can't find anything (though though that may just be my inept searching!).

I have a trial sequence that is set to display stimuli using the stimulustimes command (rather than specifying the number of frames a stimulus should be on for), and there are stimuli due to be presented at short enough intervals that more than one stimulus change is supposed to happen within a single vertical refresh rate - that is, in the space of <16.7 ms (the duration of a single refresh on a 60Hz monitor), my trial sequence orders a stimulus to be rendered (which I realise would usually happen on the next refresh, whenever that may be) AND replaced by a second stimulus in that time frame. My question is, if this happens, does the original stimulus never get show, or do they both get presented together at the next refresh? If so, would they appear on top of oneanother for this frame?

Take the following sequence for example - stimulustimes = [0=cross; 700=forwardmask; 950=shapeerase; 960=practisecentre; 1460=shapeerase; 1470=backwardmask] - as the shapeerase is only presented for 10ms, and this is less than the refresh rate of most monitors, will it just get presented at the same time as the subsequent stimuli, and never on its own? Or will it be missed out completely?

Thanks in advance for any answers, apologies if it's a really obvious question!



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