pacman task

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 1


I'm trying to program a pacman-like task in Inquisit.

The first thing I would like to get to work is that Inquisit responds to key presses of the participants. So if a participants decides to go left (ie press left arrow) the pacman would turn left. If no response has been made by the participant, the pacman-figure should move in the way it was going. So, in short, a partipants controls the direction in which the figure is going, and the figure itself is moving by itself.

I already managed to let the pacman move by itself, and I also managed to program that it responds to the key presses. However, on some occasions the pacman doesn't respond to the key press, presumably because it was made at exactly a loop-point. So basically it works, only that sometimes the pacman doesn't respond.

So, my question would be: Is there a way that a pacman-figure is moving on its own, and a participant can intervene this movement by changing directions via key presses?

Thanks in advance,


PS: I've attached the script and figures.

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