isvalidresponse expressions

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Posts: 1, Visits: 1

Hi all,

I am making a task + survey and want participants to fill in an e-mail adress,
but only if they haven't done this already.
So, in practice I want a radiobutton with 'other' option to fill in an e-mial adress.

However, as my task requires a black background, and I want this too in my survey,
I cannot use radiobuttons since they have a default black font.

Therefore, I tried to just make 2 separate survey questions, and an 'isvalidresponse'
in the surveypage element to make sure participants fill the questions out right.
However, it doesn't work. What did I do wrong?

<textbox email1>
/ caption = "have you given your e-mailadres?"
/ mask = alphabetic
/ validresponse = ("yes", "no")

<textbox email2>
/ caption = "if no, fill in your e-mailadress here"
/ textboxsize = (70,5)
/ maxchars = (200)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

<surveypage email>
/ caption = "fill out these questions"
/ questions = [1=email1; 2=email2]
/ isvalidresponse = [(textbox.email1.response == "yes" && length(textbox.email2.response) == 0) || (textbox.email1.response == "no" && length(textbox.email2.response) >= 12)]

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K

My impression is that /isvalidresponse etc. simply isn't working properly for <surveypage> elements in current builds. Time to file another bug report...




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