trial depending on previous response

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Posts: 20, Visits: 62


I'm setting up a new experiment, completly different than I've done before so I have encountered some problems which I'm hoping you can help me with.

- I'll be using a choice paradigm, which entails that for each trial paricipants first have to choose and press for option one or two and based on that choice they should get for option one just a stimulus or for option two a stimulus and a white noise. Can you give me some pointers on how to write this in a script?

- The stimuli we use in this task are anagrams, with which participants have to create a word (for example : table). But if I use this in the trial script:
/ correctresponse = ("table")
, it wil not run (not a valid setting). Is it not possible to use a typed word as response? I know a voice key would be the best solution, but I haven't got one and reaction time to this response isn't crucial for my research question.

Thanks a lot in advance!!!


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