I would like to include a caption on my survey page to serve as instructions for filling out the blanks. However, currently the caption displays with a question number ( 1). 8 NEGATIVE TRAITS ). Is there a way to remove the question number? I've tried adding a text reminder to the survey page (as opposed to the caption in an attempt to correct this), but that didn't seem to work (probably due to not adding it correctly). Can text reminders be added to survey pages?
My script for reference.
<surveypage negative>
/ caption = "8 NEGATIVE TRAITS"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, true)
/ questions = [1=neg1; 2=neg2; 3=neg3;4=neg4;5=neg5;6=neg6;7=neg7;8=neg8]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg1.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg2.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg3.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg4.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg5.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg6.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg7.response]
/ ontrialend = [item.negitems.item = textbox.neg8.response]