Randomizing questionnaire orders with 2-page questionnaires

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 35, Visits: 77


I'm designing a study containing a few questionnaires that, for reason of length, extend across 2 survey pages. This is posing a problem for me since I'd like to randomize the order of presentation of the questionnaires but, for obvious reasons, I need the individual pages associated with each questionnaire to remain together. Is this something that's possible to do in Inquisit? I have no problem randomizing questionnaire orders when dealing with single-page questionnaires, but I haven't been able to figure out how to keep the two pages of a specific questionnaire together while still randomizing the order of the questionnaires. Right now randomization results in problematic orders like this: Page1 of Survey 1, Page 2 of Survey2, Page1 of Survey2, Page2 of Survey 1.

Any help would be most appreciated!

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You simply need to block the pages via <block> or <survey> elements, then randomize those blocks at the <expt> level. E.g., suppose you have two questionnaires 'qa' and 'qb', each comprising two pages 'p01' and 'p02', then

<block qa>
/ trials = [1=qa_p01; 2=qa_p02]

<block qb>
/ trials = [1=qb_p01; 2=qb_p02]

/ blocks = [1-2=noreplace(qa,qb)]

or (for separate data files per <survey>)

<survey qa>
/ pages = [1=qa_p01; 2=qa_p02]

<survey qb>
/ pages = [1=qb_p01; 2=qb_p02]

/ blocks = [1-2=noreplace(qa,qb)]

You may even take it one step further randomize the pages withing each questionnaire in addition:

<survey qa>
/ pages = [1-2=noreplace(qa_p01,qa_p02)]

<survey qb>
/ pages = [1-2=noreplace(qb_p01,qb_p02)]

/ blocks = [1-2=noreplace(qa,qb)]




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