Brief IAT SPSS Script Issues

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I am running a study using the Brief IAT with Pictures script from the task library.  Aside from the stimuli, I didn't change any of the script except for the setting the skip summary value to true. 

I am unable to get the SPSS script to run so I can analyze my data. I followed the instructions at the beginning of the script and have tried numerous other methods. Regardless of what changes I make to the SPSS script, I usually get the following error: 

>Error # 6406.  Text: inquisit-data

>PASW Statistics couldn't open the specified file.

>Execution of this command stops.

Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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It means SPSS can't find your data file and you need to to double-check whatever you entered in the syntax. See (for further info on SPSS error messages / error codes / syntax conventions, I recommend referring to SPSS' support resources).



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Hey Dave,

Thanks for the quick reply. I got the script to run but I still have a significant number of errors popping up. 

>Warning # 6427.  Text: date

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: subject

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: blocknum

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: trialnum

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: response

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: correct

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: latency

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: stimulusnumber1

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6469.  Text: stimulusnumber1

>At least one numeric data value was too large for the field width and was

>written as a missing or "not available" value.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: expressions.d1

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: expressions.d2

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

>Warning # 6427.  Text: expressions.d

>One or more cases in the file had invalid data.

Data written to the working file.

15 variables and 1817 cases written.

Variable: date               Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: time               Type: String   Format: A8

Variable: subject            Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: blockcode          Type: String   Format: A16

Variable: blocknum           Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: trialcode          Type: String   Format: A16

Variable: trialnum           Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: response           Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: correct            Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: latency            Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: stimulusnumber1    Type: Number   Format: F8.2

Variable: stimulusitem1      Type: String   Format: A16

Variable: expressions.d1     Type: Number   Format: F22.2

Variable: expressions.d2     Type: Number   Format: F22.2

Variable: expressions.d      Type: Number   Format: F22.2

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: temp.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:22


Input   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   1817

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.010


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   1817

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   For each dependent variable in a table, user-defined missing values for the dependent and all grouping variables are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   Cases used for each table have no missing values in any independent variable, and not all dependent variables have missing values.

Syntax      SUMMARIZE TABLES latency BY Test BY Pairing.

Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.015

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.019

>Error # 61 in column 12.  Text: temp.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   1440

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User-defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   Statistics are based on all cases with valid data.

Syntax      FREQUENCIES Flag_300 Flag_400 Flag_10k Error .

Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.000

>Error # 61 in column 21.  Text: Criteria.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   1440

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.016

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.014


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   File Label   Aggregated File

   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   68

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.016

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.005

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: AllMeansAndSDs.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: MeansAndSDs.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   File Label   Aggregated File

   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   34

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.011

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: D_temp.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   File Label   Aggregated File

   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   17

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.006

>Error # 61 in column 12.  Text: Criteria.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: Pct_300

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: Pct_400

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: Pct_10K

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: AveLtncy

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: ErrorPct

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: NTrials

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: D1Inquisit

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: D2Inquisit

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Warning # 4461 in column 4.  Text: DInquisit

>An unknown variable name was specified on the VAR LABELS command.  The name

>and the label will be ignored.

>Error # 4820 in column 8.  Text: AveLtncy

>A variable named on the FORMATS, PRINT FORMATS, or WRITE FORMATS command has

>not yet been defined.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: Criteria.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 61 in column 20.  Text: D_temp.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 61 in column 42.  Text: Criteria.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Note # 5146

>There is no working file to restore.  You must define a working file before

>proceeding with your analysis.

>Error # 5332 in column 16.  Text: D.sav

>The specified file or directory is read-only and cannot be written to.  The

>file will not be saved.  Save the file with another name or to a different

>location or change the access permissions first.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 61 in column 12.  Text: D.sav

>The filename is not valid.

>Execution of this command stops.


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:23


Input   File Label   Aggregated File

   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   17

Missing Value Handling   Definition of Missing   User defined missing values are treated as missing.

   Cases Used   All non-missing data are used.


Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.006


Output Created      25-Feb-2012 15:31:25


Input   File Label   Aggregated File

   Filter   <none>

   Weight   <none>

   Split File   <none>

   N of Rows in Working Data File   17

Syntax      LIST

/ VARIABLES = Subject Order D DInquisit D1 D1Inquisit D2 D2Inquisit.

Resources   Processor Time   00:00:00.000

   Elapsed Time   00:00:00.010

>Error # 701 in column 31.  Text: DInquisit

>An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in a

>variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and

>verify the existence of this variable.

>Execution of this command stops.

>Error # 701 in column 44.  Text: D1Inquisit

>An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in a

>variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and

>verify the existence of this variable.

>Error # 701 in column 58.  Text: D2Inquisit

>An undefined variable name, or a scratch or system variable was specified in a

>variable list which accepts only standard variables.  Check spelling and

>verify the existence of this variable.

A file is created with values for D and such but I'm wondering what is going on with the errors and whether the data produced is valid. 

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K

I recommend you:

(1) Generate a bunch of test data with the original, unmodified BIAT script.

(2) Run the original, unmodified syntax on it to verify it works.

(3) Figure out the differences between (1) and your data files, fix them and / or adapt the SPSS syntax accordingly.

(4) For general guidance on SPSS syntax, SPSS errors, etc., refer to SPSS' documentation and dedicated support resources.




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